the 2easy hydroponics grow show


Active Member
I see you everywhere DAWG whats up, 2easy looking killer you will have some top notch meds in a few.


Well-Known Member
thanks noob. 2 weeks to go and shes looking awesome. just gave up on photos. there wasnt much interest in this thread and hps photos werent doing it justice so im just going to leave it until harvest to do a photo update


Well-Known Member
haha thanks manish. i actually think they look mangy as lol too much N early on in flower gave me all curled leaves. will still smoke well though


Well-Known Member
yeah that was one plant. its not even the heaviest pheno i have found. this one had more sativa in it by the looks. i had a much more indica pheno which was about twice as heavy. the indica one was great smoko. i think this one will be better smoke though

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Hey Just Wait A Dawg Gone Minute.Ive Seen This Setup Before ;-)Looking Sweet Brother 2easy.I Do Belive She Might Grow Into A Plantzilla.Peace And Dont Stutter Or You Will Miss A Step :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Haha you busted me dawg. I have pretty much moved over to the other forum but I will continue to post pics here.


Well-Known Member
well im taking my vege garden to the next level. aquaponics.
the fish will feed my plants and the plants will clean the water for my fish then at the end i will eat both my plants and my fish hahaha i win lol

im going to be building a chift pist system

got my fish holding tank

and these will be cut in half for grow beds

going to be awesome. oh and i will be growing all sorts of veggies and the fish will be barramundi


Well-Known Member
That's an excellent thought and an experiment I'm looking forward to see how it'll turn out. Great idea man, wish it works as it should.


Well-Known Member
i have been doing a bit of research and it looks really promising it might be right up your alley actually
it is something I'm considering quite a lot, but I want to get our led project going a bit before getting on something else. How will you handle the temperature in the tank? Summer temperature here is a killer (this why I'm focusing on LEDs, to make a proper grow the next summer)