The 30 minute 6 plant aero build


Well-Known Member
The point of an aero set up is you are trying to creates a MIST or LIGHT spray of water inside the RESERVOIR, not necessarily directed at the net pot itself, that will coat but not soak the roots with water and nutrients...

This allows for the roots to get plenty of oxygen yet still have plenty of moisture and nutrients...

If you are just going to soak the roots you re talking about a different animal "DWC" and you need to look into aerating your water or your plant will not be able to breath at the roots and will die...

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
You may have answered this question already, but it is such a long thread, I couldnt find it in there.

Would it be possible to make this setup with a reservoir and run 3 or more boxes off of a single air and water pump?

Also, do the roots tend to tangle in thse units?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can daisy chain a few of these setups its a little involved but can be done with larger pumps and more lines and splitters. These tubs will fill completely with roots and eventually will tangle together as the root mass grow which isnt a problem usually as long as you dont use to small of a tub.

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
Could you veg 2-4 plants in one of these for a month or so, till they get about 18-24" then move the plant to seperate container for flowering?
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Mr I Can Do That For Half
You could but wont take a month to get to that size maybe 2 weeks with good light and you might have a root mass way to big to get out of the unit. I also make single plant 5 gal aero setups if interested


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yes you can run multiple 5 gallon buckets off a single pump just up the pumps size and gph rating to provide the needed pressure and make a daisy chain setup similkar to the ebb and grow flood and drain setups but you need either elevated buckets or a way to return water such as a second smaller pump to return the run off at a certain point.


Well-Known Member
Please watch all of them from beginning to end when you have time. You can really learn a lot from watching these, I know I did.

At first, I thought these "conspiracy "theories"" were just "conspiracy "theories"" too. I only knew what they told me via school and TV, for the most part until I started doing independent research.

Watch these! Over ~95% of it is fact and the other ~5% is educated speculation.

Who do you believe?

The MainStream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc
YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation |

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda -

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on

About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MainsStream Media is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

I hope people aren't still buying into this garbage....BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Active Member
thx so much for this post i plan on using this method to get personal experience growing aeroponicly. later after i feel comfortable i plan on using the Irish / Webby tube system.


Active Member
hey this question may have been asked already but I either missed it or read it and forgot about the misters clogging up? and ideas?


Active Member
i'm not able to contact you through PM due to my post count. is there any other way i could get in touch with you?


Active Member
hey I know someone already asked a similar question but I didn't see an answer anywhere.

For this aeroponic setup will a 75 gph submersible pump work??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the information Fletch! I've built my system almost exactly to the specs you provided. Now starting a grow of Big Bud from seed.

I'm keeping a full journal of the grow if anyone is interested in the details with using this system.

Fletch, if you could take a glance when you get a minute and let me know what you think that'd be great. Thanks again for all your help!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lay you can email just put RIU in the subject with your handle name Lay so I know....For this six site unit I reccomend at least a 150gph pump and I never have a mister clog really just check daily with a little lid lift and you should be fine


Sector 5 Moderator
Geez, I don't think I've ever read this many pages of "words" and so few pix. Fletch, you are da man! I don't give a rats ass what it's called; people can be picky over words if they want; I just want something that works and works well. I've wasted too much of my hard-earned money on crap that didn't work; I'd rather pay someone that has done the experiments and come up with a tried and true solution.


Active Member
Thanks Fletch!
You are The Man.I have been looking for this thread for quite a wile and ooops, there it is. Also, i want to use a bigger system so you surely have seen the tubs at wal-mart.(i hate shopping there).The 30 or 40 gallon ones.This way i can try growing with 8 to 10 units and use the smaller one for clonning,with many more(smaller) holes not units.2"? The Aquamist unit is the one i really want to build,but this will do for now.have you seen the aquamist aeroponic units?Same ones they use on"15 pounds in 84 days"at $499.00per unit,ouch!I have 2 600watt lights,with 3,600hps& 3 metal halides but nothing to grow in yet as i was going to use soil.If you know anything about the aquamist and what I need to build them would you please drop me a line at abit2thewhat at yahoo,please?Thanks agin for the plans,now i need to get the right nutes and all per day deal.Peace,and Cheers, Dr.D.

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
whats up fletch,

i would like to thank you for the insane amount of information/patience you have with most of us here. pretty much i spent the last hour or so reading evety single post in the last 30+ pages and can say with total certainty that there is NO aspect of his system that has not been covered multiple times.

i am new to growing and hopefully will germinate my first seeds next week. your system is what i will try and i will start a journal on the process.

nyc diesel, bubblegum and OG kush are the strains i will be growing.

once again thanks.