The accidental gardener


Active Member
Hello everyone, this is my first post on this site and third ever.. this is the story of my marijuana plants.
Early to mid May I planted several bag seeds in an old manure pile by the barn, just to see what would happen. After germinating maybe fifteen more seeds, I planted several in crudely prepared beds. We live on a very old farm with amazing soil, so i only added a little bit of manure. While planting a seed along the fence in the garden the wind blew away the last ten seeds. Moving on, I watch for signs of life from the ones that did make it into the ground. A week or two go by and my step mom shows up with her tractor to help us prepare the old neglected vegetable garden. We scraped off the to eight to ten inches of earth to get rid of all the grass and weeds. She then moved all of the manure from the pile to the garden. I had'nt seen any action from the seeds I had planted earlier, so I held no hope...... long story short, a month later I discover a plant growing along side our asparagus patch in plain sight, as well three more in the manure pile.
Please check out My first plants - a photoset on Flickr to see all the photos so far.


Active Member
Now the plants are 30+ inches arownd 2 months old growing well especialy the one in the garden. The plant in the manure is suffering from pests prob..
more photos soon.
My questions :
Would I be better off to cut up the two females into clones? or is it maybe too late.? to put in a better location
Any links something like low tech or outdoor cloning ??
How can I improve the soil conditions of the plant in 100% manure? (4 yo cow and lamma shit)or do i have to.?

any and all comments welcome and apreciated. :)
I live in Lanark county, Ontario, Canada, zone 5


Well-Known Member
Welcome banter.
I would read growfaq up top on the left before you do anything.

I should say that you can transpant the one in manure.
Just dig a circle around it.
Try not to damage the roots.
I would spray the manure off the roots with low pressure from garden hose.
Suprised the manure is not burning it.
I would then put in desired spot.
It should go into shock for a few but snap right back.


Active Member
yes I have been reading lots on this site its awsome.:) since i discovered they were female i needed to share.
thanks for the tips, if i wanted to dig up a 32 inch tall plant what kind of diameter should i aim for to avoid the roots?