The ACP Endorses Medical Marijuana - HUGE!


Well-Known Member
In a position paper, a leading American medical association has endorsed the medicinal use of marijuana, called for more studies of its medical uses, and urged the US government to get out of the way. The position paper from the American College of Physicians was released last Friday after being approved by the group's governing body.

The American College of Physicians (ACP) is the nation's second largest doctors' organization, behind only the American Medical Association. It is made up of some 124,000 internal medicine specialists dealing primarily with adults.

"This is a historic statement by one of the world's most respected physician groups, and shows the growing scientific consensus that marijuana is a safe, effective medicine for some patients, including many battling life-threatening illnesses like cancer and AIDS," said former US Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders in a press release from the Marijuana Policy Project.

Top Doctors Association Says "YES" to Medical Marijuana in Historic Endorsement | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)


Well-Known Member
I think that the doctors and researchers have always been behind mm but its the govt and the fact that a lot of the politicians are in the pharmaceutical companies pockets that stop it from happening.
Them making a public call though is a good step forward to raising public awareness and putting a lot more pressure onto the powers that be and the pharmaceutical companies.
In the end the public will get what it wants,they always do in the end:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The doctor patient confidentiality issue is what it should be about. Nobody should be able to force you to use or not use whatever drugs you and / or your doctor prescribe. Nobody should be able to force you to disclose your medical situation. The alternative is that everyone's medical issues should be freely available to everyone.

Fighting hypocrites with reason, is however a dismal cause.