The ALL Indoor SUPER Soil Growers Thread


Not sure if there is a specific thread related to this topic, I couldn't find one, so I would like to be the first to start one! This will be a thread for people that grow INDOORS in SOIL ONLY. Post your pics, post your questions, general advice, trials and errors, and we can all learn and grow! Post your soil brand or what you have in your organic mixture or any additives to your base soil you're using so we all know what we're working with. For some growers it's a hobby for others it is a job and for some it is their life. Let's build this thread up with some soil MONSTERS! and see what good tricks everybody has up their sleeves! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I'm excited to see where this thread ends up.

Lets get it started...

My base dirt is comprised of mushroom compost, peat, coco, coco chips, perlite, EWCs, and expanded shale.

From there I add alfalfa meal, three sources of kelp meal, cottonseed meal, rock phosphate, guanos (desert, sea bird, & Peruvian), bone meal, neem seed meal, diatomaceous earth, dolomite lime, Epsom salt, potassium sulfate, 90% humic acid, Progress Earth's Earth Syrup, Plant Success's Great White & Soluble.

I go easy (about 50-60% of recommended amounts) on all the fertz. The lime and epsom salt I use as recommended. I go heavy on the DE and humic acid, and about 75% of what directions say for the Earth Syrup and the microbial inoculants.

Smart Pots.

Flood and drain with water most of the time, the occasional compost tea flood, and at least one tea foliar towards the beginning of bloom.

Two or three times in a bloom cycle they get a weak BioBizz feeding, and twice during the last swell they get Nitrozime (encourages foxtailing).

Sealed room with ice boxes and a window unit.

Booms it out.

Bout to go vertical with it, and tweek the soil recipe a touch.

I'll keep ya posted.


Well-Known Member
I use cheap potting soil, peat moss, perlite, and vermucilite - all plain, no nutes! Okay the potting soil has some compost in itbut that's all. But roughtly equal parts, a little heavier on the perlite and peat moss. I add 2T of dolomite lime per gallon of the mix ans voila.

I use Dyna-Gro nutes. Plus I add in Home and Garden Drip clean. 3 gal normal pots.

I rigged up a gravity fed halo drip system. Just comes out of a 5 gal bucket but gives the plants a nice slow feeding.

I had been all CFL. I recently got a LED (Area 51 sgs160). I am testing it right now flowering a mother who was lst to shit (approx 20 tops) and four of her babies in a 12-12 experiment.

My biggest advice to weindoor soil people - PH everything. Don't believe the stuff about soil being a buffer. It is and he lime helps, but you still need to PH unless you got lucky with your water supply.


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked my PH in a couple of years now, but my well water is quite alkaline.

I have tried all sorts of nutes, and even done a number of side by side comparisons with Holland's Secret, Advanced, GH, GO, House & Garden, BioBizz, FoxFarm, PuraVida, and probably something else I'm forgetting.

Nothing has came close to the results that I get with my recipe above.

GrowinDad... Try mushroom compost in place of the cheap potting soil. When you see mycelium growing on your soil, everything that needs to happen to make a plant thrive in every way possible, just happens.


Well-Known Member
I used FF ocean forest on these ,but I also have on hand homemade super soil and happy frog and of.presently using hf and of and top dressing with super soil.

Nice Nuggs

New Member
Nothing to show right now - new to soil, I've ran hydro continuous drip for years and wanted better quality smoke - turned to soil. Using Advanced nutes and TGA soil, not the super soil just natural. Pretty excited for this take down, week 3 right now and the beasts are pushin'! Vegged em too long and they are all around 5' and still going up.. I only have another 2' then I'm fucked.. I stuck em in 20 gallon pots, about a bag and a half soil per each - man these ladys can drink!
I'll keep ya posted and try to shoot a pic or two soon.