the american fedreal reserve. stop the NAU!


Active Member
it makes it seem like they've been trying to hide this information but I mean this is all information I learned in basic macroeconomics as far as the Federal Reserve part goes. it's how our economy has functioned for a while now, the goal being to control prices and reach an acceptable level of unemployment. Inflation also erodes the value of the debt to a certain degree. Bernanke is a proponent of this hence why Ron Paul (He's on House Banking Committee) has accused him of dwindling middle class savings by his increase of money supply. As for all the religious aspects of that same film, I did not watch it all but it seemed somewhat intriguing but I dunno about it in all seriousness. If you check out the sources used to make that movie its really one sided studies and books, they are not using many original texts or neutral sources to prove their findings.


Active Member
now i know who is behind JFK murder, who tried to kill Raegan, and who will try to kill Ron Paul. man, i bet Ron knows this too! if he does - he has COCONUT BALLS!


Active Member
oh, BTW, in that movie, the narrator said that they don't want us to think! I guess that back in 1937 they figured that while people smoke MJ, they start thinking deep; thus the prohibition! lol


New Member
The Federal Reserve is an inflation engine. Inflation is a hidden tax on savings. A twenty-dollar gold coin, once worth only twenty dollars, is now worth over Eight Hundred Dollars. That is all the proof I need to see the fraud of the Federal Reserve's fiat money.



New Member
The Federal Reserve is an inflation engine. Inflation is a hidden tax on savings. A twenty-dollar gold coin, once worth only twenty dollars, is now worth over Eight Hundred Dollars. That is all the proof I need to see the fraud of the Federal Reserve's fiat money.

Geeze, give it up, will ya? They'll not get rid of the FED, you know it and i know it. Those bankers will kill anyone that tries, even a president, remember the Kennedy brothers. Here's the deal, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other, guess which one will fill up first? Start wishing or crapping, your choice. Lets concentrate on reforming the corruption first, then tackle the big stuff. R.P. could win on just those principles, he needent stir up the bankers untill he has aquired power and solidified his agenda, capiche.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other, guess which one will fill up first?
haha oh shit thats funny, i agree with you though on that medicine! hes gonna have to take care of things in a certain order, and he knows they want to kill him

and if they do this country would be in uproar.
theres no way people would let control stop somthing like this
that is too crazy to think about im getting pumped right now, ! haha


Well-Known Member
Most every politician knows the Federal Reserve is a corrupt instutition. The problem is no one wants to change it b/c they are scared of the ramifications. They know the people who control the Federal Reserve hold the real power. Kennedy signed a bill into law that would allow America to start printing its own money, backed by silver, and would of put an end to the Federal Reserve. A few weeks later he was assasinated. The law is still in the books. We could start printing our own money at anytime but no other president has brought it up since Kennedy. I wonder why?...Ron Paul is a beast. He knows his life will be in jeopardy if he can accomplish his goals. But, he doesn't give a fuck b/c he wants what's best for the American people. He truly is an American hero.


New Member
Geeze, give it up, will ya? They'll not get rid of the FED, you know it and i know it. Those bankers will kill anyone that tries, even a president, remember the Kennedy brothers. Here's the deal, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other, guess which one will fill up first? Start wishing or crapping, your choice. Lets concentrate on reforming the corruption first, then tackle the big stuff. R.P. could win on just those principles, he needent stir up the bankers untill he has aquired power and solidified his agenda, capiche.
Another brilliant assessment from Med. You know as well as I, if Ron Paul gets elected, and his ideas are written into law, and if he starts eliminating federal agencies through presidential edict, you're entire socialist house of cards will come crashing down. Keep on licking the hand that feeds you, Med.



Well-Known Member
...Ron Paul is a beast. He knows his life will be in jeopardy if he can accomplish his goals. But, he doesn't give a fuck b/c he wants what's best for the American people. He truly is an American hero.
yes!!! there you hes doing it and hes happy with the results hes seeing cause people are starting to know and think a little. if he does get sniped people will rise i know i will theres too much info out now there in too deep the way to stop us is if they bring the military on us, or use some plague. fuck them bro were the people we will stand for our people, hell i know i will. this could change the world . eventually the bilderburgs will be shut shown.
monopoly is wrong right? then lets stop them if the media , gov, police, lawyers wont the people are going to have to:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: one for all of you:joint:


New Member
Another brilliant assessment from Med. You know as well as I, if Ron Paul gets elected, and his ideas are written into law, and if he starts eliminating federal agencies through presidential edict, you're entire socialist house of cards will come crashing down. Keep on licking the hand that feeds you, Med.

Look asshole, I've postulated many times on the positive aspects of Pauls agenda. I'm getting awful tired of your one trick dog and pony show calling me a handout grabber, Basically, fuck you. I've earned everything I've gotten since I was 15 years old. So kiss my ancient ass.


Well-Known Member
medicine i usually agree with your stances, but i dont like it when people say theres no hope for me there is hope for i belive in not relying on how many people i can get to really like him and get them to vote in the primarys, ive been shot down many times trying to tell people about him, but as long as i can keep trying hard, even just getting his name heard or seen or maybe even the message that not everything that your told, fed, is good. id say i did a good job, our only hope is the people, people like me you and every supporter to go vote in the primaries.
its our duty to take the power back not the media.
thats how i feel at least


New Member
medicine i usually agree with your stances, but i dont like it when people say theres no hope for me there is hope for i belive in not relying on how many people i can get to really like him and get them to vote in the primarys, ive been shot down many times trying to tell people about him, but as long as i can keep trying hard, even just getting his name heard or seen or maybe even the message that not everything that your told, fed, is good. id say i did a good job, our only hope is the people, people like me you and every supporter to go vote in the primaries.
its our duty to take the power back not the media.
thats how i feel at least
Go for it with gusto. I've been disasapointed too many times to get my hopes up, but I wish for change, thats for sure. When you've witnessed the crass realities of politics for as long as I, there isn't much to look forward to. It is the young energetic people that will bring change and I am all for that. I will of course do my part by voting for the best candidate as I see it, the one most for change and away from politics as usual.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed the video, I even ordered one.
ok,now I know and totaly what?
Be honest, makes be feel even less empowered and outraged.
I'm all fuckin hyped up now, hahaha.
I understand that's kinda the point of the film,
((but what is one to do with that info,really?))

Ignorance is bliss vs knowledge in restraints


Well-Known Member
yeah for sure i all excited and just pumped up
you gotta just inform the people thats the only problem people are what they want them to be sheep, like that old version of that movie the time machine where he goes to the future and everyone is like controlled robots, haha like all of those stories are coming true


Active Member
I really enjoyed the video, I even ordered one.
ok,now I know and totaly what?
Be honest, makes be feel even less empowered and outraged.
I'm all fuckin hyped up now, hahaha.
I understand that's kinda the point of the film,
((but what is one to do with that info,really?))

Ignorance is bliss vs knowledge in restraints
we the people, must rise together and exterminate them before they exterminate us.


Well-Known Member
Congress does not want to change the Federal Reserve System because most people in congress are too dumb to understand how it works.

The problem now is the stacked deck. Not very many people take Ron Paul seriously, even though what he says is true. If RP were elected he will still receive bloated budgets. He vetoes the bills. Congress overrides his veto. It is a no-win cycle.

RP could only work through this quagmire incrementally. The banking mess is so bad everyone should contact their reps and senators and demand real reform.


New Member
Congress does not want to change the Federal Reserve System because most people in congress are too dumb to understand how it works.

The problem now is the stacked deck. Not very many people take Ron Paul seriously, even though what he says is true. If RP were elected he will still receive bloated budgets. He vetoes the bills. Congress overrides his veto. It is a no-win cycle.

RP could only work through this quagmire incrementally. The banking mess is so bad everyone should contact their reps and senators and demand real reform.
Just so you know. I've contacted my senators and congreswoman on every important issue for the past five years. I usually get back a form letter saying they are working on a solution to whatever the issue is, but being a form letter, you know it was a worthless gesture. I know those Democrats that got elected to stop the fucking war didn't do their jobs. All they had to do was refuse to send a bill to the president and as soon as he ran out of money, he'd have to bring the troops home or look like a butcher. Maybe the public outcry about illegals might have slowed the amnesty bill, but we all know it's a done deal, just means they'll have to wait a little longer. The only solution as I see it is to vote against incumbents in every election, set definent term limits, and make lobbying illegal. That would eliminate part of the problem.