The Art of The Auto

hey guys i need some info on growing some autos, only thing is that it is winter here not many hours of daylight, maybe about 9-10?
will the autos bud normally? or should i use lights instead of growing them outdoor?
Use lights or you wont have a yield to speak of. 9-10 hours of light, you may as well grow them in shot glasses. They will fit.
Seen a guy get 43 grams 12/12 from seed with 2x 23watt cfls thats a joke 2? didn't seem like a waste of time to me.....

well holy shit look what the cat drug in

Whats up dude last i heard from you, you were dealing with some fam issues.
Hope all is well my WV brethren. Anything new growing?
Yea i got a Few Party cups going but im working underground in the coal mines so i can't really smoke gotta fill a cup up lots lol but i still like to grow so im just messin around =D
Seen a guy get 43 grams 12/12 from seed with 2x 23watt cfls thats a joke 2? didn't seem like a waste of time to me.....

why dont You read my post...
Just because you seen "joe blow' get 43 grams in his grow journal does not mean its a reliable method, 9 times outta 10 your goin to get very poor results. Ive tried it plenty of times especially when I first started growing... like i said before its a joke dont wast ur time on it
opinions are like assholes everyones got one

And if there doing 12/12 from seed then obviously there not going for the best of results obviously he is doing it for fun and to learn so its not a waste of time

And if that "joeblow" got 43 grams then he sure as fuck had better results then you because he is proud of it.
or maybe he is tired of smokein mexi shwag weed and just wants sumthin diff or maybe he doesn't have the room for a full size plant you never know
lol joeblow i got to remember that one!, theres alot of built up anger on this forum (englishmans heaven!) its better reading these threads than going to the movies!.,,. anyways i hope i get 43 gramms from one of my snowryder plants im using a 250watt cfl and if i do not get that then theres no god lol cos like u said that joeblow hahahha only used tiny lamps, but if that is all he could buy then good on him.,.,

Here are a few pics from my grow into the 5th week now had them under 24/7 cycle and past 3 days under 18/6 im a total newbie and learnt alot here!., How much do u guys think i could get per plant?

I'm guessing 75gs a plant if your getting .3gs a watt but thats hardly ever correct and i suck at math :-P nobody else was guessing so i figured i would =D
opinions are like assholes everyones got one

And if there doing 12/12 from seed then obviously there not going for the best of results obviously he is doing it for fun and to learn so its not a waste of time

And if that "joeblow" got 43 grams then he sure as fuck had better results then you because he is proud of it.
or maybe he is tired of smokein mexi shwag weed and just wants sumthin diff or maybe he doesn't have the room for a full size plant you never know

wasnt tryin to be an dick, i was just saying IF and thats a big IF, you want to increase ur chances of a decent yield and quality smoke then 12/12 from seed is not the way to go, you would be better off going with a good auto flower.
But if someone wants to play around and experiment then have at it, i know i did. But they will soon find that its a garbage idea IF your looking for sustainability
thanx for the guess its just raised my moral by 1000%,., If i got that per plant i would offer a gram of that to the gods lol.,., Is there anything else i can to to improve my chances other than using a more powerful bulb? (im getting a 400watt hps for my next grow with a grow tent) i´ll leave the cfl in the closit and grow 3-4 lowryder #2 with it.,.

cool how about those joeblows 2x 23watt cfls? would that be a good start on each side? I was thinking about that today when i was at the d.i.y store cos they had them and were really cheap i think they were 2500k is that ok?
wasnt tryin to be an dick, i was just saying IF and thats a big IF, you want to increase ur chances of a decent yield and quality smoke then 12/12 from seed is not the way to go, you would be better off going with a good auto flower.
But if someone wants to play around and experiment then have at it, i know i did. But they will soon find that its a garbage idea IF your looking for sustainability

I agree with this tottaly from a point of view of a person growing for yield and sustainability but as for a newbie growing in a partycup
12/12's fun as fuck good 2 do while your adding on 2 your grow room makeing it able to sustain fully mature plants
cool how about those joeblows 2x 23watt cfls? would that be a good start on each side? I was thinking about that today when i was at the d.i.y store cos they had them and were really cheap i think they were 2500k is that ok?

if you wanna see the guys plant search it on RIU he had in a lil cab i was very impressed because even if he somehow magicaly got .3 grams perwatt thats 13.8 grams so how he got 43 grams its crazy makes the whole .3 .5gs per watt incorrect just crazy how novice growers are showin up all those CFL haters out there
I have no idea why someone would waste there time hating a certin type of light bulb lol cracks me up, For what i have seen Cfl´s are good to start with and my 250watt cfl produces very little heat so i am able to put it really close to the plants i do not need to worry about the temp.,., so i think even though im a total newbie every lamp has its pros and its cons, So stop hating and start smoking!.,.,( i take that back keep hating cos it entertains me!)

P.s Autoplants are awsome and all of you that do not think so u have a reserved a place in hell next to hitler and stalin.,.!
Only autos i ever grew was Auto 69,Low girl, Sweet dwarf outdoors I liked the Sweet dwarf but it had the lowest yield funny low girl was supost to be low and wasn't low at all lol