Harry Bald Sack
Active Member
Thanks HBS, I have a 16Q bag of MGOC and a bag of perlite and was thinking of adding some wormcastings to it. I already have the thrive alive (red, and green) and I think I have that fish fert. What i have is Alaska brand NPK= 5-1-1.
Also, the Speed Devil #2 popped soil in less than a day! Holy crap thats the fastest for me yet, they usually take about 2 days.
That is the same fish fert as mine.
All of mine popped in about 12 hrs. Its been 4 days since they all sprouted. 1 of the DDR's doesn't look too good. It has not developed at all in three days. Strange thing though.. Where the 1st set of true leaves start to grow there is tiny sticks protruding. They almost look like roots. Does anyone know what this means?