the attitude and credit cards


Well-Known Member
Well I am having a similar problem except with the Doc. I haven't said anything til now but I ordered 10 blue cheese seeds 6 weeks ago and they haven't came and he's now not resonding to my e-mails. After 4 weeks I sent him an e-mail that said give them a few days they might get returned. After week 5 went by, I kindly asked what happens now and no reply. After week 6 went by I sent another cordial e-mail. Now I've just given up. I'm the only one who gets the mail here, I know it hasn't come, and I know customs and border inspection hasn't seen me a letter either. I mean it is the drug business and this shit happens so I just want to say that I'm not that pissed. I'm just doing what I do when Circuit City pisses me off, I go to Best Buy instead, metaphorically speaking. I'm ordering from attitude this week and hopefully they will have won over a former Dr Chronic customer. It makes me sad that just because it is the drug business, people think it's part of doing business to screw some people over, Dr. VonDankenstine notwithstanding. I hope more people go the good karma route instead, seeing as it is the sacret herb we're talking about here.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Well I am having a similar problem except with the Doc. I haven't said anything til now but I ordered 10 blue cheese seeds 6 weeks ago and they haven't came and he's now not resonding to my e-mails. After 4 weeks I sent him an e-mail that said give them a few days they might get returned. After week 5 went by, I kindly asked what happens now and no reply. After week 6 went by I sent another cordial e-mail. Now I've just given up. I'm the only one who gets the mail here, I know it hasn't come, and I know customs and border inspection hasn't seen me a letter either. I mean it is the drug business and this shit happens so I just want to say that I'm not that pissed. I'm just doing what I do when Circuit City pisses me off, I go to Best Buy instead, metaphorically speaking. I'm ordering from attitude this week and hopefully they will have won over a former Dr Chronic customer. It makes me sad that just because it is the drug business, people think it's part of doing business to screw some people over, Dr. VonDankenstine notwithstanding. I hope more people go the good karma route instead, seeing as it is the sacret herb we're talking about here.
I don't see how I have screwed people over by posting my experience with ATTITUDE----anyway-Hope you get your seeds from either of the companies----.


Well-Known Member
You took that wrong bro. What I meant was that just because it's the drug business, companies/dealers/etc. feel it's alright to screw people over cause there's pretty much no recourse for the victims. I was referring to the Doc screwing me over and attitude screwing you over. It sucks, I wish there was more integrity in the whole business. That's alright though, what goes around comes around.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
cool----Ya it does suck----my experience with ATTITUDE had very little to do with customs----I would have accepted the loss and went about my way---I did pay for the guaranteed track and trace as well and everyone whom read my posts knew I was excited about my order with attitude----now just completely disappointed---If you read one of the other threads about attitude you will find another RIU member that tried to discourage me from ordering since he paid with a credit card and no-beans after months of trying to contact attitude and they wouldn't even return his emails----I should have at least gave his input some considerations---my bad.. On a positive note----I received my seeds from brad at hempdepot----ultra fast del and he threw in a bunch of extra seeds---very cool---and super stealth. Very great experience---would definitely order from them again...:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have a similar situation, I ordered some seeds from the doc back in march, I ordered super girl fems and highway delight.
The super girl germed in 3-4 days and are now 4 weeks from harvest. a couple weeks ago I decied to germ my next batch, the highway delight and they wouldnt germ, i soaked, scuffed etc and nothing. I have emailed the doc several times and no response.


Well-Known Member
damn man u got screwed got my seeds in anweek ordered last sat night recieved sat morning with a tshirt and and a smellybag they put the seedspack in pretty stealth


Well-Known Member
i would never send cash you will never know what happend to it
i used cc 6 days and here very happy

what cc did you use? walmart has a few different ones, so I'm not sure what one to get. what does it look like? the one that doesn't require info like ssn?


Well-Known Member
Well for one it is not illegal to buy marijuana seeds just to germinate and if you use the tshirt option it comes wrapped in a tshirt with your seed pack in a smelly-bag it showes up as attitude gifts on your cc statement there's really no reason to stress giving up information


Well-Known Member
Greetings to you all!!

I ordered seeds last week from Dr. Chronic, The Attitude, and Seed Boutique. The orders were all placed last Wednesday, (8/6/08) I just checked my mail and I got my orders from The Doc & The Attitude. That is record time. (Still waiting on Seed Boutique, but no customs crap this time). All of the seeds look good and I have a great big smile on my face. I'll be harvesting a Kush #1 and a NL next week. And now I'll be germing a couple of Afghan Kush later today. Thanks to the Doc & The Attitude! :peace:


Well-Known Member
:confused: All right guys, i am a rookie at the whole ordering online thing. I just ordered 5 femanized seeds from the attitude seed bank using my credit card. i guess i just got a little careless and excited and just ordered them. they are not being shipped to where i am going to be growing.

Any thoughts?

you're done son!kiss-ass