the AUTOS!!!

so i am fairly new to this auto-flowering. as well as any type of growing in general. but the main reason why im here is to ask advice on auto-flowering strains. I am VERY VERY VERY TORN as to what strain i want to choose for my first, serious auto grow. looking for anyone with input on specific strains (hopefully available through attitude) that are AWESOME. i am really interested in the main 3 catagories. yeild, color and appereance, as well as potency. im looking for the best of the best, while keeping cost below 100 bucks for five seeds. lol. any suggestions?


Active Member
I am currently growing myself Lowlife Automatic Lemon Skunk. Though I have somehow managed to snap the tap root in half it is still growing and I've actually seen a youtube video where someone did the same and still managed to recover and yield about 30g from whatever automatic he was growing.

I chose to go with the lemon skunk cause I heard it was a pretty easy strain to grow for beginners (yaya autos are already pretty easy)

When I broke my tap root I looked up some reviews on autos and saw that the Low ryder #2 x Ak 47 is pretty solid and forgiving, so I went ahead and ordered myself 3 fem autos of that strain for about 60 dollars with stealth shipping (also receiving 3 free fem seeds as I ordered from attitude). Supposedly it is one of the higher yielding ones, up to somewhere around 40g or more potentially.

Hope this helps!


go with easyryder or auto ak, ive grown easy ryder and yielded three oz per plant ofhigh quality herb, i have some curing right now , ifu give m,e a littler while i will post some pics also check out my auto flower thread.also have grown fastbud from sweet seeds and diesel ryder, easyryder and lowryder 1 from lowryder seeds so technicaly four or so auto strain ive grown, oh also road runner, mayeb a few others strains run together lol anyways heres thast thread


again in a little bit i can post somep ics of final product, nto cured of course but theyre fucking nice and frost youll get the idea, the fastbud is beautiful and has a beautiful diesel smell to it, i really like it and its cheap, not the best yielder, but faster than the ak, looks just as good and tastes a little better id say, the easy ryder (autoak x lowryder2 pheno) is a fucking massive yielder though, got about 14 ozs off a 600 watt light with 8 plants and the fastbud prob only yielded a qp at most, prob not even, the easyryder really pulled her own weight. hope this helps friend :peace:
aknight3, thanks for your reply! you know i was sifting through forums even before becoming a member on here a few months ago and i actually stumbled upon this grow of yours and i have to say i was very impressed. your pics are what helped me to determine i wanna do autos. its amazing! haha. i love how compact the colas are. what size tent do you have there? and what brand of bulb are you useing? and ballast? remote or combo unit? also what did you do for feeding scheduals and with what nutes? i am very stoked about this. its an honor that you commented my thread honestly. THANKS A BUNCH!


i use a 2 by 4 tent, eye hortilux bulb 600 watt quantum ballast, remote or combo im not sure, i use 1 ballast its digital...hope this helps... feeding liberal with feeding anymore as once u do it for awhile ph and ppm balancing become tiring and ocne u know ur girls u know what they like, i guess best i could say is ... as seedling they were given plain water, 2 weeks or so in i think i started feeding with a simple mix (although i use advanced nutrients because thats what ive always used and had laying around, im going to be doing a side by side soon as i really dont think i need the nutes for the good results i get, i think its good practice but who knows, could be all in the soup!!) anyways, i used a simple mix of AN micro - grow and humic acid, its a micro nute i think helps plants uptake nutrients and such better, again i dont think it was the H1 (humic acid) that made my plants huge im just telling u what i used lol...anyways veg grow micro h1 humic acid, i usd 24/0 until pretty much they were shooting flowers everywhere, here is where i think is the trick with autos, see, alot of people give them 5 cfls, a milk jug and some miracle gro and wonder why theyre autos get 8 inches tall only and yield an eighth, i let my plants literally go and go until pretty much they started flowering under twenty four hour days, by this time they were a nice size, so when i switched the light, i switched to 20/4, that way, they were still getting long days of light to grow grow grow nice and big, but they also got their tiny dark period (which is all they really need) to bulk up, then eventually when i noticed the plants werent growing upward anymore (top and side branches down) i switched their light cycle to 18 and 6 to finish up flowering, in flower nutrient wise i used bud blood,h1, micro,gro bloom, for the first two week of real flower (20 and 4) after that they received bud blood, micro, bloom, big bud, h1, and overdrive. they continued to receive all of these excluding the bud blood up until the end of flower, at the end of i cut off and only fed them micro, bloom and big bud up until about 3 or 4 days til harvest, i then watered for 3 days plain water left in dark for 2 days and chopped...i dont really beleive in a flush as i dont think its necessary, my bud isnt harsh and tastes yummy n gets me real stoned, i dont change things that work, also im glad u looked at my shit and it inspired you, im glad i can help, ive received alot of help here and there over the years and im glad i can help out and gfve back in anyway i can, thats funny how that works, u look at someoens grow and think wow then get to talk to em about it, its even better haha....anyways what works for me may not work for you,the world dont move to the beat of just one drum, what may be right for you may not be right for some, you know why?...cause it takes different strokes buddy!!!!...hope this helped buddy


so i am fairly new to this auto-flowering. as well as any type of growing in general. but the main reason why im here is to ask advice on auto-flowering strains. I am VERY VERY VERY TORN as to what strain i want to choose for my first, serious auto grow. looking for anyone with input on specific strains (hopefully available through attitude) that are AWESOME. i am really interested in the main 3 catagories. yeild, color and appereance, as well as potency. im looking for the best of the best, while keeping cost below 100 bucks for five seeds. lol. any suggestions?
Hey man, I've been researching this for along time. The best thing I can come up with is Iranian Auto. Google drgreenthumb then look at Iranian Auto on that site. Im not in anyway affiliated with who ever drgreenthumb is. Just check it out. Has a great yield, and potency and is finished in 90 days. Little bit longer than your average auto but I think it will be worth waiting. peace&love.
hey guys! and welcome to my first grow journal. I am currently constructing a pc grow case and will be describing my progress step by step. I already know alot of people out there think that constructing these is a great big waste of time, but i was/am very intrigued as to how much thought goes into these things. it seems like its going to be excellent for stealth purposes. besides, this is just something to do in the meantime while waiting to gather funds for a complete tent and HID setup. plus, this will be greatly suited for starting clones and seedlings in the future. ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME

well first off, the main idea is to make the case as functional as possible. so all of the components of a grow room have to be in place.

having the biggest case you can find is a must. the more space, the better off you are. keep in mind that these are much more suited for auto's than anything else. and even with an auto strain, LST is a must as well. and I am very sorry but i did not start taking pictures until some time into this project. so for now, only words will have to do.

to start you want to completely strip the entire case of everything inside. all components as well as brackets have to go. nine times out of ten the brackets will be riveted. using a small drill or even a chisel and hammer will come in handy at this stage. WARNING: SAVE EVERY PIECE YOU TAKE OUT. this is crucial because you never know if you can use them or not. when you have just the shell of a case, MAKE SURE TO WASH COMPLETELY!!!

the next thing to over come is the fans. i used a total of four pc fans for this case. i made one "super fan" by piecing a cpu cooler as well as a regular 80mm back to back.

note that every fan has an arrow depicting the direction of airflow.

i placed two fans at the top of the case for cooling down the lights once they have reached that height. one fan drawing air in on one side, and on fan (my super fan) drawing air out on the other, creating a great flow of circulation. i also placed a fan near the bottom of the case on the opposite side of the "super fan" as an inlet fan to be constantly drawing in fresh air.
now as for powering the fans, there are a few options here. you could either a.) use cell phone chargers or old dc adapters. or b.) do what i did and use the computer power supply. the point behind doing this is that everything inside a computer runs off of a 12v current, while a typical household current is 120-240v. we need to transform your household current to power the pc fans (which is the main job of the computers power supply). i also liked using the psu because there is already all of the wiring from the connection harnesses you will ever need. while the cell phone charger only has the one lead, a psu has several. note that you want to use the black wire for ground, and the yellow wire for power, NOT THE RED. due to the fact that the red only runs 5.5v while the yellow runs 12v. although this could come in handy if you wanted but i suggest going full power. note that if you are going to be using a newer aged power supply, you will need to "jump" the psu into thinking that there is a full power circuit, as if it was attached to a motherboard. its pretty simple. all you have to do is locate the motherboard harness first of all. second, find the switched wire on the harness which should be the only green wire there. now what we need to do is "jump" the green switched wire to a negative lead to complete the circle. do this using a paper clip or even a piece of wire.

i was actually fortunate and found and older psu that still worked from the mid 90's. therefor, it had a male and a female power plug on the back. so what i did is cracked it open and replaced female plug with another male plug and wired this to the surge protector i am going to use for my cfls. i did this so i can run the fans and the light on two separate circuits so i can place the lights on a timer.

i mounted the psu on the back side of the case because it seemed like the most logical place to put it. this made it pretty easy to access all the wiring and easy to route the surge protector cord into the case while not giving up to much length of the cord either.

after all of the wiring and the fans are in place, the next step is tackling a major task; LIGHT REFLECTION. while strolling around my local hydro shop, i stumbled upon an awesome, EPIC thing called panda film. its a material thats black on one side for stopping light and moister, and 100% white on the other for ultimate reflection. i purchased a roll of 15feet by 15feet for 9.99 to line the surface of the case. this stuff is awesome. now, using 3M's super spray adhesive, cardboard, and panda film, i made walls to cover up all the wiring and the floor of the case. i also made a box that fits over the fans to stop light leakage but still allow ultimate air flow. i covered these in the panda film as well.

and here is what i have so far. as you can see, im not completely finished. i plan on attaching the power supply to the cord freely. then, putting magnets on the back and not completely mounting it so i can freely adjust the height of the lights at any time.
