the balance


Well-Known Member
i think no, i believe thers a reason for good an evil an ur probly thinkin hes gonna talk about God well he did create everythin in existence but im not goin into all that. thers a reason a person woudnt get caught by the cops if he was high or why a person gets mugged, why simple: ther is both good & evil. the balance of these 2 determine the strength an the will power to overcom the many physical emotional metal an spiritual boundaries an obstacles that life has to throw at u. like jeru the damaja says, when the pendulum swings in favor of 1 will eventually swing in favor of its opposite; a few simple example life spider-man an doc ock, tina an ike, God an the devil the infintie variations uphold the balance an 'organized' confusion in a little unvers.


Well-Known Member
i think no, i believe thers a reason for good an evil an ur probly thinkin hes gonna talk about God well he did create everythin in existence but im not goin into all that. thers a reason a person woudnt get caught by the cops if he was high or why a person gets mugged, why simple: ther is both good & evil. the balance of these 2 determine the strength an the will power to overcom the many physical emotional metal an spiritual boundaries an obstacles that life has to throw at u. like jeru the damaja says, when the pendulum swings in favor of 1 will eventually swing in favor of its opposite; a few simple example life spider-man an doc ock, tina an ike, God an the devil the infintie variations uphold the balance an 'organized' confusion in a little unvers.
i am in wholehearted agreement with you here :) balance is very important. without it, there is chaos and disorder. theres always balance of good/evil, light/dark, etc. it gives us and our universe stability ;-)


i agree with you also... and in support of it ive always believed that you can not have good without evil, nor can you have evil without good, because if the world was lacking in one of those we could not have the other as there would be nothing to compare it to...


Active Member
i am in wholehearted agreement with you here :) balance is very important. without it, there is chaos and disorder. theres always balance of good/evil, light/dark, etc. it gives us and our universe stability ;-)
Yeah, but you can say good and evil needs to be balanced, but how people interpret good and evil means there will never be a balance. Years of conditioning of telling average Joe what's right, but average John would have been told something else, been brought up in different surroundings.

I think I'm good for helping people find good quality bud and undercutting the scumbags, however, the church, the police, the neighbours would see me as an evil drug dealer.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but you can say good and evil needs to be balanced, but how people interpret good and evil means there will never be a balance. Years of conditioning of telling average Joe what's right, but average John would have been told something else, been brought up in different surroundings.

I think I'm good for helping people find good quality bud and undercutting the scumbags, however, the church, the police, the neighbours would see me as an evil drug dealer.
its not up to the people to determine "good and evil" thats a job for the universe. so it doesnt really matter how people interpret it. we dont make any difference in the grand scheme of things. it reminds me of the saying "the universe tends to unfold as it should" which to me...means that not only do we have balance, but that we have no say in the matter. its left completely up to the cosmos :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with you also... and in support of it ive always believed that you can not have good without evil, nor can you have evil without good, because if the world was lacking in one of those we could not have the other as there would be nothing to compare it to...
i say this ALL the time lol. that there cant be good without the bad. and we cant have light without the dark :D


New Member
As I get older and start looking around/back at things more Im starting to believe in this "balance" more and more, karma, yin and yang, etc.
Two definitions of Evil;

Evil- the most successful, expedient, cost effective solution to any problem.

Evil- the point of view of the loosing side in a given conflict.

Make up your own mind as to their worth.


Well-Known Member
there is no balance between good and evil. there isn't even a constant definition of the terms. there is only opposition between differing and ever changing viewpoints and a certain give and take between their constituents. there is only chaos with brief interludes of pattern to break up that monotony. only the sentient mind, intent on finding order to meet its own definition of the rational, demands that sense be made of it all. the universe simply doesn't care.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i would even necessarily call it the balance of good/evil, since really, they're just human made concepts. but maybe more a balance of positive and negative energies...


Well-Known Member
There is no balance, if there was balance, there would be stillness....

I thank you for this post, somehow, it enlightened me to another thought. I began to think about Chaos and your omission to its' brief pattern, but then I thought about it in the way that I think about life, the yin/yang symbol, good/evil, etc... It's not that its showing so much as a pattern, but we are seeing the Harmony within Chaos, not the pattern...

There is no balance yet, Just Harmony!! :roll: bongsmilie

there is no balance between good and evil. there isn't even a constant definition of the terms. there is only opposition between differing and ever changing viewpoints and a certain give and take between their constituents. there is only chaos with brief interludes of pattern to break up that monotony. only the sentient mind, intent on finding order to meet its own definition of the rational, demands that sense be made of it all. the universe simply doesn't care.
i think no, i believe thers a reason for good an evil an ur probly thinkin hes gonna talk about God well he did create everythin in existence but im not goin into all that. thers a reason a person woudnt get caught by the cops if he was high or why a person gets mugged, why simple: ther is both good & evil. the balance of these 2 determine the strength an the will power to overcom the many physical emotional metal an spiritual boundaries an obstacles that life has to throw at u. like jeru the damaja says, when the pendulum swings in favor of 1 will eventually swing in favor of its opposite; a few simple example life spider-man an doc ock, tina an ike, God an the devil the infintie variations uphold the balance an 'organized' confusion in a little unvers.
I personally feel the Christian God has been cast the face of the creator which is a misconception. But people have been mislead and the true creator does not mind for the belief in him still leads people to do things that they should be doing on their own. I feel religions like those are sources of hope for those who do not find it in abundance within themselves. I personally believe in the balance of mother Nature (Earth). Balance consists of karma and if you give back to the one who provided us with life than she will be of assistance to you and guide you to safety. Her teachings are not clearly presented unto us but at times may seem oddly woven.