The Basics


Active Member
So i have never grown before and i want to know whats the basics to get for a good outdoor grow? Any advise would help i just would want to know what soils are good, how often do you water it, and what fertalizers and nutrients to give it and so on. Thanks and im going to keep the fourm updated when i start


Active Member
i live in michigan, i try to water it every other day. sometimes every third day. and if it rains it counts for 2 days of watering for me...idk about u.


Well-Known Member
A quick BASIC plan. Get premium soil. mix with pro-mix or perlite. (I do 50-50) for good drainage.. Basic nutes, 20-20-20 for veg (2nd & 3rd # can be lower), for flower a 10-25-20 sort of ratio (higher 2nd&3rd #)...start veg food at 1/4 strength, and increase SLOWLY.... if no water meter, I wait till soil pulls away from plant pot..then water..pick up and notice can tell by that once you get used to the wet weight. DON'T over water, or over nute..I do 3 times a month Approx. read FAQ....water plant, play with dog & read it again..keep going back and everytime you do something else will click and make sense....
Good Luck.