New Member
I guess it wasn't the Clinton gang who pushed for ownership of a house to be considered a "right". i guess it wasn't the democrats who coerced banks thru fred & fannie into making high risk loans to high risk people in high risk neighborhoods. I guess it wasn't Bush who no less than 17 times tried to warn Congress that Fred & Fannie needed to be restructured. I guess it wasn't Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their ilk who INSISTED everything was fine and they were willing to "roll the dice". Yah, excuse me for mentioning it.
Fred & Fannie were instrumental in wrapping bad loans with other lower risk loans and then feeding them out globally.
No, the problems did not arise from out of nowhere. This hangover has been a long time coming.
If you think Obama is going to even come close to reducing our national debt., you should immediately drop out of economics and drive a cab. That way your opinions might actually be listened to "down the road".
While I have never studied economic principles on paper (hardly a prerequisite), I have lived it through many years of experience in running very successful businesses.
I have turned businesses around before, but never by increasing my prices while punishing my hard working employees who make me money and doling it out to employees who don't do as well.
We are in for a train wreck. The first bailout has come and gone, the second one is on the way. More are to follow. Housing won't be back for another 5 years, if then. Foreclosures are no where NEAR OVER. It has only begun. Throw in a foreign policy debacle or two and hang on to your wallets and your life. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
While I am not lettered in economics, I am smart enough to have moved most of my assets off shore. Believe me, I am not alone. Watch the exodus begin if Obama gets elected. Heck, it's already begun.
I am not surprised that the stock market is NOT coming back any time soon. The people who invest tend to pay attention. Businesses and investors will continue to hold back until after the election. I am not alone in my assessment of Obonomics.
If Obama wins, it will be a slow procession downward. the only question will be how long it will take to undue the damage caused by wealth redistribution.
It's a bummer I know, but with what is coming economically, Obama is the wrong person at the wrong time. Sorry....
Fred & Fannie were instrumental in wrapping bad loans with other lower risk loans and then feeding them out globally.
No, the problems did not arise from out of nowhere. This hangover has been a long time coming.
If you think Obama is going to even come close to reducing our national debt., you should immediately drop out of economics and drive a cab. That way your opinions might actually be listened to "down the road".
While I have never studied economic principles on paper (hardly a prerequisite), I have lived it through many years of experience in running very successful businesses.
I have turned businesses around before, but never by increasing my prices while punishing my hard working employees who make me money and doling it out to employees who don't do as well.
We are in for a train wreck. The first bailout has come and gone, the second one is on the way. More are to follow. Housing won't be back for another 5 years, if then. Foreclosures are no where NEAR OVER. It has only begun. Throw in a foreign policy debacle or two and hang on to your wallets and your life. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
While I am not lettered in economics, I am smart enough to have moved most of my assets off shore. Believe me, I am not alone. Watch the exodus begin if Obama gets elected. Heck, it's already begun.
I am not surprised that the stock market is NOT coming back any time soon. The people who invest tend to pay attention. Businesses and investors will continue to hold back until after the election. I am not alone in my assessment of Obonomics.
If Obama wins, it will be a slow procession downward. the only question will be how long it will take to undue the damage caused by wealth redistribution.
It's a bummer I know, but with what is coming economically, Obama is the wrong person at the wrong time. Sorry....