The Battered Voter Syndrome

I guess it wasn't the Clinton gang who pushed for ownership of a house to be considered a "right". i guess it wasn't the democrats who coerced banks thru fred & fannie into making high risk loans to high risk people in high risk neighborhoods. I guess it wasn't Bush who no less than 17 times tried to warn Congress that Fred & Fannie needed to be restructured. I guess it wasn't Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their ilk who INSISTED everything was fine and they were willing to "roll the dice". Yah, excuse me for mentioning it.

Fred & Fannie were instrumental in wrapping bad loans with other lower risk loans and then feeding them out globally.

No, the problems did not arise from out of nowhere. This hangover has been a long time coming.

If you think Obama is going to even come close to reducing our national debt., you should immediately drop out of economics and drive a cab. That way your opinions might actually be listened to "down the road".

While I have never studied economic principles on paper (hardly a prerequisite), I have lived it through many years of experience in running very successful businesses.
I have turned businesses around before, but never by increasing my prices while punishing my hard working employees who make me money and doling it out to employees who don't do as well.

We are in for a train wreck. The first bailout has come and gone, the second one is on the way. More are to follow. Housing won't be back for another 5 years, if then. Foreclosures are no where NEAR OVER. It has only begun. Throw in a foreign policy debacle or two and hang on to your wallets and your life. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

While I am not lettered in economics, I am smart enough to have moved most of my assets off shore. Believe me, I am not alone. Watch the exodus begin if Obama gets elected. Heck, it's already begun.

I am not surprised that the stock market is NOT coming back any time soon. The people who invest tend to pay attention. Businesses and investors will continue to hold back until after the election. I am not alone in my assessment of Obonomics.

If Obama wins, it will be a slow procession downward. the only question will be how long it will take to undue the damage caused by wealth redistribution.

It's a bummer I know, but with what is coming economically, Obama is the wrong person at the wrong time. Sorry....

I guess it wasn't the Clinton gang who pushed for ownership of a house to be considered a "right". i guess it wasn't the democrats who coerced banks thru fred & fannie into making high risk loans to high risk people in high risk neighborhoods. I guess it wasn't Bush who no less than 17 times tried to warn Congress that Fred & Fannie needed to be restructured. I guess it wasn't Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their ilk who INSISTED everything was fine and they were willing to "roll the dice". Yah, excuse me for mentioning it.

Fred & Fannie were instrumental in wrapping bad loans with other lower risk loans and then feeding them out globally.

No, the problems did not arise from out of nowhere. This hangover has been a long time coming.

If you think Obama is going to even come close to reducing our national debt., you should immediately drop out of economics and drive a cab. That way your opinions might actually be listened to "down the road".

While I have never studied economic principles on paper (hardly a prerequisite), I have lived it through many years of experience in running very successful businesses.
I have turned businesses around before, but never by increasing my prices while punishing my hard working employees who make me money and doling it out to employees who don't do as well.

We are in for a train wreck. The first bailout has come and gone, the second one is on the way. More are to follow. Housing won't be back for another 5 years, if then. Foreclosures are no where NEAR OVER. It has only begun. Throw in a foreign policy debacle or two and hang on to your wallets and your life. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

While I am not lettered in economics, I am smart enough to have moved most of my assets off shore. Believe me, I am not alone. Watch the exodus begin if Obama gets elected. Heck, it's already begun.

I am not surprised that the stock market is NOT coming back any time soon. The people who invest tend to pay attention. Businesses and investors will continue to hold back until after the election. I am not alone in my assessment of Obonomics.

If Obama wins, it will be a slow procession downward. the only question will be how long it will take to undue the damage caused by wealth redistribution.

It's a bummer I know, but with what is coming economically, Obama is the wrong person at the wrong time. Sorry....


You consistently surprise and confuse the hell out of me Crackerjax. But that is one hell of a post, and is probably correct. Though, I for one have no intention of slowing my investing down. Now is the time to grab stocks on the cheap, even if I end up riding the market down. Once it rebounds I'll be in a position to take charge of dollar cost averaging. And each dividend paying share that I get below what its market price should be returns more, and will return even more once the economy rebounds.

Of course, I have nearly 40 years until retirement, so I can look at the long picture. I suspect that you are right for those that are closer to retirement.

Of course what really scares me is that in this day in age, that if Obama does what FDR did and drives the economy into the ground there wont be a World War to pull our economy back together, and instead of a Great Depression that lasts twelve years we will end up with one that lasts decades or longer.

Perhaps at that point it will be called the Great Economic Maelstrom for the destruction that it will cause.
This is a perfect example of people who don't know yet they think they do. :-(


Yes, and you are a perfect example of why common sense is not all that common. Thank you for illustrating that point so beautifully.

But seeings as how you banned a person for abusive language, why don't you do the same to yourself, or are you a hypocrite?
Good post. but wait a min.. Vi you're voting 3rd party now?

I'm all flummoxed! In a quandary! Damn, that guy running for VP in the Libertarian Party sounded great the other night ... but then, there's Bob Barr, who as a Republican, kept supporting the federal raids on the California cannabis clubs. Now I heard today that the early votes coming in, here in California, is very close. With something like 300,000 votes in so far, from about 50% Reps and 50% Dems, Obama only has a 1000 vote lead. I can't stand Obama the Marxist. So, what do I do now? Flummoxed, I tells ya ... flummoxed! :lol:

While I have never studied economic principles on paper (hardly a prerequisite), I have lived it through many years of experience in running very successful businesses. I have turned businesses around before, but never by increasing my prices while punishing my hard working employees who make me money and doling it out to employees who don't do as well.

And obviously you've never been indoctrinated by Marxist economics professors either. :bigjoint:

Excellent post, by the way. :)

Fannie and Freddie certainly didn't help things, but they were only a very small part of the problem. The banks were making loans that even the most liberal supporters of the CRA would have said was a very bad idea.

I love how so many conservatives have this idea that if you haven't studied a subject, you automatically know more about it than people who have. Next time you need surgery, maybe you should go to a doctor that hasn't been indoctrinated by elitist universities. ;)
Fannie and Freddie certainly didn't help things, but they were only a very small part of the problem. The banks were making loans that even the most liberal supporters of the CRA would have said was a very bad idea.

I love how so many conservatives have this idea that if you haven't studied a subject, you automatically know more about it than people who have. Next time you need surgery, maybe you should go to a doctor that hasn't been indoctrinated by elitist universities. ;)

You do realize that with out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac certifying those Sub Prime loans, and guaranteeing them that there would have been no way in hell any one could have securitized them and sold them right?

No, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played a large part.

Almost as large as the Rating agencies, which when they heard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was backing those funky securitized mortgages were decided that those deserved investment grade ratings (of course there was some additional business connected to their decisions), but with out the backing of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac they could have never justified Investment Grade ratings for those securitized mortgages.
Fannie and Freddie certainly didn't help things, but they were only a very small part of the problem. The banks were making loans that even the most liberal supporters of the CRA would have said was a very bad idea.

I love how so many conservatives have this idea that if you haven't studied a subject, you automatically know more about it than people who have. Next time you need surgery, maybe you should go to a doctor that hasn't been indoctrinated by elitist universities. ;)


I never said I haven't studied the issue of economics. I am not lettered in it however. Maybe you were reading to quick to pick up that nuance, I don't know. I am NOT a conservative. You make assumptions not in evidence. :cuss:

As for your extensions of logic with absolutely no correlation to the issue on thread, no comment is needed.
One does not need a degree to smell something is rotten. Only common sense and to actually pay attention to the data and NOT to Political explanations. Always follow the money, always.

Whenever the Govt. gets involved in an industry, quality goes down and costs go up. The Govt. a la Democrats insisted starting with Carter to get everyone a home whether they could pay for it or not. The bill is coming due.

The answer is not to elect Obama and do more of the same.
Democrats have a nasty habit of creating "economic slaves". They have replaced social slavery with economic slavery. Now they try and foist an "affirmative action" president upon us. I say NO!!

Is McCain the complete answer? Hell NO!!! But I'll take the Devil that I know rather than vote in a Devil I don't know.

BRUTAL : I dumped out of the market and moved offshore till the ship rights itself again. Don't think I wasn't tempted to drop 50k on Ford. OMG!! But there is a lot of medicine to be taken yet till health can be a likely outcome. Right now the swings are too wild in their undulations. Yes long term is the only way, but deals will be around for quite awhile if Obama gets in. The market will become a shadow of itself under his helm.
I dumped all of my house equity at the top of the real estate Govt. bubble two years ago and bought oil and fertilizer stocks. If you're an investor then I needn't tell you the results. Nothing better than borrowing at 5% and making XXXX%!!

So no licking of the wounds here, just protecting my flanks. besides I'm am making money with it right now. Safe and sound. Like so many others. The islands are getting crowded with successful investors....

I gotta go, Hillary says she has a sweet cattle deal for me .. LOL...

Take care all.... ;-)
