The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

Man, there some deals out there!
I feel like I got a good deal on this Black Friday Deal at Seedsman.
Screenshot_20181122-071443_Gmail.jpg Screenshot_20181122-071505_Gmail.jpg
I got seeds other places too at a good black friday price, but this Seedsman order took the cake.
2 Strains and 20 seeds of Bohdi was a pretty good deal, too at James Bean Company.

Anyone else have some sweet buys on seeds?
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bought an apera ph60 for $39, busted 3 bluelabs in the last year alone, time to try something else. glad i stayed up, time to go to bed before the wife finds out what i spent.
I use only Apera meters, great value, very dependable and live customer service
PH60 for that price, what a deal. Usually $30 more. I've had one for 9 months, love it.

I picked up an Apera EC60 for $55, so now got a reliable PPM tool. You have that one as well ,Beachwalker?