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That's sucks. My well water is like 150 ppm or so, and it's gotta be mostly Ca because I get some Ca deposits too. Not as fast as you do though. I'd get some citric acid if I was you. It works great to de scale the Ca from shower heads and everything. You should also try to run some citric acid water through the Ninja if you still have it too.

This is what I use. It'll probably last me forever.

Your water sounds a bit too extreme to try to fix. You're probably better off sticking with RO.
You sound just like me! I dump it on the limescale in my toilets and it just melts away lol. I run citric acid through my sprayers after using neem to keep them unclogged, it really is great stuff. I also use it to ph all my coco nutrients.
You sound just like me! I dump it on the limescale in my toilets and it just melts away lol. I run citric acid through my sprayers after using neem to keep them unclogged, it really is great stuff. I also use it to ph all my coco nutrients.
Hell ya. I'm finding more and more ways to use it all the time.

A couple weeks ago I mixed a citric solution in a bucket and ran my watering pump and hose through it to clean it up.

Makes sour gummies too, lol.
That's sucks. My well water is like 150 ppm or so, and it's gotta be mostly Ca because I get some Ca deposits too. Not as fast as you do though. I'd get some citric acid if I was you. It works great to de scale the Ca from shower heads and everything. You should also try to run some citric acid water through the Ninja if you still have it too.

This is what I use. It'll probably last me forever.

Your water sounds a bit too extreme to try to fix. You're probably better off sticking with RO.
I dunno if my water meter is off or if my filter is fucked up, but I believe it said I pumped 160 gal of tap to get 4 gal of ro. Does that sound feasible? My water bill has doubled since last year and I've replaced the sediment, carbon and membrane. Once in March, and another about a week ago.
Hell ya. I'm finding more and more ways to use it all the time.

A couple weeks ago I mixed a citric solution in a bucket and ran my watering pump and hose through it to clean it up.

Makes sour gummies too, lol.

Someone on here told me to use citric acid to kill the thrip outbreak I'm dealing with right now... not sure if its much more effective than just spraying the plants off with straight water would be though... Maybe I need to mix it stronger...
I dunno if my water meter is off or if my filter is fucked up, but I believe it said I pumped 160 gal of tap to get 4 gal of ro. Does that sound feasible? My water bill has doubled since last year and I've replaced the sediment, carbon and membrane. Once in March, and another about a week ago.
Wow. I know there is a little waste, but that sounds extreme. Something's gotta be off. The filter thing makes sense. I don't know much about how RO works though.
Someone on here told me to use citric acid to kill the thrip outbreak I'm dealing with right now... not sure if its much more effective than just spraying the plants off with straight water would be though... Maybe I need to mix it stronger...
I think @xtsho is the guy I heard about it from. I think he says 2-3 tsp per quart.

That's correct. Citric acid will work on thrips
I think it works with most bugs actually.
Does it kill off your bennies?
No, I don't think so. i use such a small amount it doesn't lower the pH much at all. It brings my ~7.8 water to ~6.7 so my microbes should be unaffected by it. I've been using it occasionally to try and deal with excess Ca. It's a chealating agent.
No, I don't think so. i use such a small amount it doesn't lower the pH much at all. It brings my ~7.8 water to ~6.7 so my microbes should be unaffected by it. I've been using it occasionally to try and deal with excess Ca. It's a chealating agent.
It is? I've not heard that yet. I'll have to look into it. I been using water soluble humics for chelation, but citric might be better?
I think molasses is best used in teas, but I haven't made one in awhile. I've been experimenting with giving it a little just in the water occasionally. Just like 1 tsp per gal every so often. I'm no master grower though, lol.
I thought I heard somewhere, that to be a true master at something you have to put at least 10,000 hours into it. I'm nowhere near that myself so..... lol

I still make teas periodically, so I guess I'll just keep adding it that way, but I believe I'll be doing it a lil more often now.
I thought I heard somewhere, that to be a true master at something you have to put at least 10,000 hours into it. I'm nowhere near that myself so..... lol

I still make teas periodically, so I guess I'll just keep adding it that way, but I believe I'll be doing it a lil more often now.
Teas are awesome. My plants loved them, but I'm just too lazy anymore.