The BEST micronutrient solution to use?


Active Member
I have a Skunk1 plant and her stem broke after about 2 weeks but my boyfriend replanted anyway and she is still growing! She's very small but her leaves are growing in great and I'm going to get some Superthrive today to help make her stronger. She's also low on pH so I was going to buy some micronutrients as well. I was told to go either 10-15-10 or 15-30-10 but when I called a hydroponics store they said that is pretty high in Nitrogen, obviously we didn't tell him we're growing ganja. But is that still the best ratio to go with or is there a better? What is the best brand? And how would I go about using the micronutrients and the Superthrive? Will that kill her? The first picture is from yesterday. The second is from just now.

