The Best Place To Hide Your Skunk


New Member
The best place to hide anything up to an ounce in extra quick time has got to be the rectum. It's a dirty job and in this country cavity searches are illegal. If it's well-compressed weed you should be able to shove it up there pretty quickly. You could probably fit another one after the first has gone up. Make sure it's double-wrapped though, or as much cling-film as you can manage.

BE PREPARED: It's double-wrapped because the outer layer will have to be removed as it will be covered in shit.

Women, of course, have an easier option.


Well-Known Member
Man, I just hide mine in the cupboard or maybe some large pickled egg jars outside. Must suck taking that out at a party and rolling up a few.
I know I wouldn't be sitting in on that

So yeah man, mason jars do a better job then up your ass for keeping it fresh.




New Member
Weed can be found in jars.

I learned this trick in prison, and on a cell search the screws would look everywhere except up your ass. Likewise the police, they'll make you take your shoes and socks off and go through all your pockets, they will even take the floorboards up in your house, the one place they don't search is the ass. I have hidden it there with 100 percent success rate. Obviously any more than an ounce and you've got problems, also make sure there are no awkward stalks sticking out. This is more of a quick solution, like if the police have just passed you, looking at you suspisciously, you hear them turn around, they're going to perform a stop and search. They don't need a real reason, they're usually just bored. You have a half ounce of bud in your pocket, it's a nice night and you decided to walk back the 500 yards from your mate's house to home. Turn to the sound of the car turning round while shoving the weed up your ass as quick as you can, they can search you all day long, maybe smell it on you too, but they'll never find it.

Oh by the way sublime, about the tumbler: I am interested in making my own and will appreciate any direction you can give. I'll let you know in a few weeks once all the males are gone and the females are growing smoothly. 5 days into flowering now and I'm worrying like mad over these males.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have never been in prison and got no plans on it anytime soon.....

Do you know how hard it would be to make yourself look normal and also stuff something up your ass on a sidewalk while the police turn around...

all I do, body spray, and eye drops are always in my car. But the police here are not uptight and only are watching for coffee shops and Young women at the gas

They leave us potheads alone....... so again, the jars do the job here. :P

What you need to do, is roll a few or more up before you leave the house, then your not carrying so much on you. Rolled stuff can be hid in many things.


Well-Known Member
i think id rather eat my stash then try shoving it up my ass lol. ill try to write something up on that tumbler. the motor is the hardest thing to make work well


New Member
Just by getting caught with one spliff is enough for the police to get a warrant to search your house, even if it is rolled!!

And yes I do know how hard it is to shove weed up my ass while turning, smiling at the on-coming police car. Didn't plug it though (shoved all the way into the rectum), just cheeked it (gripped it between my arse cheeks). The cheeking is a temporary method, too much moving around and it's going to slide down your leg. Your ass is the way to go, definitely the safest place to stash your bud. Like I say, it's never failed me yet. I'd like to know nomad what these many things are that you can hide a few ready-rolled spliffs?

Fair enough, if the police are sweet where you are, but over here they're complete wankers. They're the biggest firm out there and they love nothing more than ruining a man's day.


Well-Known Member
Some cop caught me with a spliff, he has only the right to search me at that very time. Then he has to order a warrent and then hope that he may find (which he won't) anything in my house; and it has to be drugs.

I have had my house searched twice (last time they had a special RCMP team, and they have never found anything, or charged me with anything. I got to much to lose in life to allow myself to be screwed over by them.

The things that I use (something that looks normal) to hide my rolled up joints when going from point A to point B are, dvd/video game case of a rental (blockbuster, etc), small can of nuts (place them in a bag at the bottom of the can, and then fill the can again with nuts, walmart has cheap nuts forsale and working jk) , flowers (cheap or self picked) Hide them in the paper wrapped around the stems of the flowers; these are just some.

To bad the police in your area are so uptight......



Active Member
The best place to hide anything up to an ounce in extra quick time has got to be the rectum.
:-( i donno about you but a full 0z isnt fittin in my rectum. i keep my socks over my pants so if that happens i'll shove it down my pants and pinch it in my A.B.C. (ass ball connection) and when i need to walk I let it slip down my pant leg getting trapped neer my ankle.


New Member
The arsehole is very stretchy, likewise the rectum. I find it hard to believe that you have never produced a stool bigger than a compressed oz of weed. Maybe that's where your colourful saying 'tight-ass' comes from.

All the alternatives mentioned still don't beat the rectum. I can just imagine a copper looking in a dvd case, mainly to check that it isn't pirated, and you're hardly likely to be carrying flowers around all the time.

Sure, you can mention pale alternatives that decrease the risk of said substance being found, but the rectum obliterates the risk, end of. In the rectum it isn't going to be found, full stop.


Well-Known Member
They maybe not what you wanted, as you seem to be set on placing your weed up your ass, which I would rather look at other ways of carrying it.

Police here don't stop people returning DVDs or those carrying DVDs or Games. Flowers (girls love them), sure you might not walk around all the time, but it is a place (point A to point B), so is the bottom of a bag of chips (large bag if you are hungry). A newpaper rolled up with it inside,

What looks normal and open is the best place to hide things.... Best Camo is that, that blends in and does not catch your eye.

Another thing, If a cop came up to you on the side walk (maybe he is walking out of a store as you pass), you have no time to place that up your ass. You also got to wear baggy pants (I like loose pants, but not baggy), another, you have to be able to stick something big (it isn't a girls finger) up your ass in less then 30 seconds with no effort or looking like you are not grabbing a gun or such.

The ass might be a great place in jail, flying to another country to hide you stuff, but for just simple Point A to B walks, well I will stick to what has been working for me; and my smoke doesn't smell like shit when I pull it out at a party.



New Member
The police here have powers to stop and search anybody which they do with great vigour. the police over here only drive round in cars and they usually drive past you before turning back round, only getting out when they have you stood right next to the car. The police in this country also do not carry guns and likewise nor do most criminals. If you are like me that has several markers flash up on a pnc check (police national computer) then it is wise to keep your weed where it won't be found.


New Member
I didn't want to give my secret away, but you lot seem quite decent on this site so I'll tell the best place to hide your skunk.

The best place to hide your skunk isn't a hiding place at all. You need to use subterfuge. Personally I never go anywhere without being in a taxi, walking the dog, or I have one of my young lads with me.

The police, no matter how stupid it is, need to have a reason to pull you. Walking your dog or young offspring is the perfect way to avoid getting pulled.


New Member
What a visual thread this is! What it has me wondering is; If a person has the capacity to stuff a couple of ounces of bagged weed up his/her ass, what else have they been stuffing up there? :shock:



Well-Known Member
it said he held it in his ass cheeks, he didnt shove the bag up his ass. and that was more of a theoretical suggestion. and he clearly says not to try it with more than an oz.


New Member
In truth, the most I have ever shoved up my ass, a wise thing to do in prison as you never know when they are going to hit you with a cell search, is three quarters of an ounce. That was on my last sentence, I knew I was going to get found guilty so I took enough with me to last a week.

The trouble is in prison is that you have to get it out at least once a day, luckily though in prison you get cling-film wrapped sandwiches at dinner so you always have a fresh supply, the hardest part is getting it back out again.
Sometimes it just doesn't want to come back out.

I've known people bring into prison off a visit from a loved one 2oz of resin and a 1/2oz heroin. Quite a small guy too.

You only need to look as far back as the Holocaust where the Jewish prisoners hid all sorts of family heirlooms up the jacksy.


Active Member
yeah i agree with you on that one if i had to go to prison i would try and get as much as i could in with me. but also i have never been arrested so i rather spare the comfort :)


Well-Known Member
buy a vacume packerits easer then trying to cram it up there. what country do you live in? in the us they can do a cavity search. if they think you might be holding


Active Member
I like to stuff my weed up my urethra. In a pinch, I can fit about 2 grams.

But seriously, the cops don't stop you and search you here . . . ever. I mean, they can, but as long as you don't reek of smoke you can say "hello officer" and continue on your way past the Dunkin' Doughnuts. In my house, I hide my stash in the case of one of my old computers (I have a bunch too . . . been collecting since I got ahold of an Apple ][).