The best way to harvest!!


Well-Known Member
just want some insites on the best way to harvest!! reading that some people cut and put straight into jars because of loss of thc count?? i just cut and hung today, was going to let dry for bout a week with temps 68 degress,dark and fan circulaiting, then mason jars for about 2-3 weeks for cure > please let me know any special ways ect.. Thank in advace!


Well-Known Member
Just dry untill buds feel nice and dry on the outside, but the stem is still bendy or cracks (but not break)then, cut the buds off the stalk (nobody likes huge stems) and jar them for 12 hours, open the jar and empty for 30-45 mins and then jar again, repeat this for about 7-10days until there is 0%moisture, then your ready bongsmilie


Active Member
I am a paper bag man... for me it’s the fastest and the best...paper bag for 24-48 hours or as needed, the jars to cure,, if too wet in thejars, back to the paper bags.. Takes me less than a week from cut to goodsmoke. I have tried the hanging method about 10 times over 30 years and neverliked it. I am not saying it bad or wrongor that paper bags are good, it’s just the way I like to dry/cure.


Well-Known Member
Just throwing this out there: Actually, some people do like big ass nugs regardless of whether or not they have to pay for the big stem... the stems are hollow and usually weigh fuck all even when they're pretty big. I like big nugs and always encourage my dealers to hook me up with the biggest nugs they can. The density of bigger nugs and the extra trapped thc that would be lost to more oxygen exposure and/or agitation on the outsides of each bud section are totally worth it. I might have misunderstood what you meant in the sense that obviously no one wants stem that has no bud on it, so you got to trim small buds off a plant's stem... but I'm totally against breaking up big nugs whenever possible, even if it means keeping a big stem.


Well-Known Member
I prefer lots of well cured average size buds myself , I know what u mean by keeping some stem but I've seen people harvest and cure the whole main cola and it's like come on guy nobody's wants a huge tree like that it's just gonna add too much weight
I prefer lots of well cured average size buds myself , I know what u mean by keeping some stem but I've seen people harvest and cure the whole main cola and it's like come on guy nobody's wants a huge tree like that it's just gonna add too much weight
Let me know when you're getting rid of your unwanted main colas, I'll take them off your hands for you.
I'm considerate like that. :weed:


Active Member
I agree I like to " Marvel" at the big buds for a few days... but it screws up drying (IMO) so I cut them all. By the time their cut,, I want to smoke.. so I dont want to make the dry/cure longer then it needs to be.


Well-Known Member
Back years ago on the first fully grown out plant i grew i trimmed it and layed it all on a screen in the sun all day..... i aint done that sense.....