Certainly looks like mag rust and/or an absorption issue. Ok so if your soil pen says its low you can assume that is correct. I also assume you've been giving them cal/mag and if that's not helping then ph is definitely out of range & you need to act now. Adding liquid ph up will do nothing. You can either hydrate some dolomite lime by bubbling it for 6 hrs or adding it directly as a top dressing either of which should help. But first be sure your plants are not in too small a pot before doing this; transplanting during bloom is a pain but if your plants are root bound a transfer to some fresh ph balanced mix will also do the trick. If they have not filled out the containers they are in I would bubble some lime for a couple hours & add it in. It won't dissolve but you've got to get it down to the root zone to work somehow & bubbling it can help disperse it into the rhizosphere somewhat when you pour it on. Top dressing takes longer but is also an ez ph up fix.
Next time when you pot up your next set of plants add some oyster flour to your mix; it helps regulate ph at the root zone & works better than lime but it's gotta be near roots to work.