The best way to use Cannabis is once a week


Well-Known Member
yes yes, invest in some good reading material..been gettin my high times collection started so can always look through those in rough times.. once again, good luck to you!

callin it a night, peace.


yes yes, invest in some good reading material..been gettin my high times collection started so can always look through those in rough times.. once again, good luck to you!

callin it a night, peace.
Thnx bro, peace


Well-Known Member
take it whatever way you want, but i'm not going to take advice from a kid who knocked up his studying g/f while he can't even look after himself...


take it whatever way you want, but i'm not going to take advice from a kid who knocked up his studying g/f while he can't even look after himself...
I take it as ur hatin, when you dont know anything about me. Also, I never said shit about takin my advice, so try to find another way to be an asshole (had to use the quote from how high)


I saw it...
Reminded me of movies that spoof other movies.

Well Brevity, i'm afraid I must sign off, now that i'm beginning to get tired enough that i'm hearing voices, haha.

Peace Riu, and goodnight :joint:

edit- btw anc, if you're still viewing this thread, I think there was just a simple misconception. When I named the thread The best way to use Cannabis is once a week, I wasnt trying to force my opinion on anybody, I hate that shit. It was actually a quote from a hemp documentary I was watching and I thought it matched the subject of the thread quite nicely. Peace.


Well-Known Member
So is there any kind of behaviour in your opinion that is allowed to be hated...?

Get a brain.... half the problems of the world relates to people who can not manage their sperm until they can manage themselves...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry if I sound a little harsh... 3 days without pot, makes my tollerance for stupid behaviour very fragile....

Its like everywhere I look people are operating without their brains plugged in.


Active Member
i stopped smoking now for 3 months and before i smoked daily for 11 years. this is the first time ever that i have quit smoking bud for this long. and when i puffed recently i realized how great weed really is. i actually get high and laugh my ass off like i did in junior high its great. maybe some of you should think about cutting back the chrons a lil bit. maybe once a week is not your thing. but one every two days or three will def increase your chances of getting higher when you do smoke. try it out, its hard as hell the first week or two but after that you will appreciate this wonderful medicine that god gave us all even more.