The best way to use Cannabis is once a week


Well-Known Member
lol, I finaly score 5 ounces of crappy bud, but I feel like the guy in post 61...
Now gonna grab a bucket and wash all the floors in the house... de missus will love me long time tonight :)


Well-Known Member
weed will not make a normal person become a burnout
it's just that a lot of burnouts smoke weed.
I slightly disagree.
I don't believe marijuana is addicting to the point where you'll have withdrawls similar to heroin or even cocaine.

I think the carefree attitude that most people get from marijuana is what people get addicted to.

I like not getting all stressed out over all the little things that are in my life.
Which is why, I continue to smoke......everyday.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Whatup,riu. Before I begin, lemme tell you a lil bit about myself. I have a girl and a kid, my only job is lookin for a job (which hasn't been easy at all) and most of the time I sit at home watchin the kid while my girl is at school (comm college), and I use Cannabis pretty much daily.

As many of you know, after smoking every day it starts to lose it's spark. (although its still tightt :weed:), and I know there's also minimal threats to constantly smoking every day. (i.e.-becoming a burnout, which I dont want). I guess what i'm trying to say is I think im going to try to limit my Cannabis intake to once a week, and fill that time with A- Gettin even more serious about finding employment, which is saying a lot cause as it is that's how the majority of my time is spent, B- Instead of just smoking and watching hilarious movies all the time, try to brush up on my intellectuality (maybe read more often, good books not that gay twilight shit). I'll find a way to fill the time.

I figure, were only on this planet for 80 years if were lucky, 100 if were REALLY lucky (if you can call that lucky), I figure I should make the most of my time here, try to experience everything instead of just one amazing thing all of the time, and I know that finding employment and being able to further provide will give me a huge sense of accomplishment. But, as mentioned before, Cannabis will still be a part of all that. :joint:

Peace, and thanks for listenin :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
Good for you. Ive recently realized that smoking every day is slowing me down from acomplishing my goals.
Grab life by the balls my friend


Hey man, sorry if I sound a little harsh... 3 days without pot, makes my tollerance for stupid behaviour very fragile....

Its like everywhere I look people are operating without their brains plugged in.
I agree it was pretty stupid, but accidents happen :/

After a kid is born, its hard to view it as stupid or even a mistake. But ur right, it was dumbb


Well-Known Member
got to figure out a way to smoke in my sleep still. Like 5am this mornig I wake up, don't feel like getting up yet, need a joint to go back to sleep... oh conundrum.


New Member
Some believe the less frequently they imbibe, the brighter the bibe.
For Them, IT Can Be like walking into a Spiritual boundary wall at great speed.
Think of slapping your hand against a pool of water
or a giant pile of pollen.

Hippie Tip Point Of Reference:

"The relationship between yin and yang is often described in terms of sunlight playing over a mountain and in the valley. " - Unknown Wiki God Transcriptionist.



Well-Known Member
as much as I smoke, I don't realy enjoy getting very stoned, which is why I hate these short periods without weed...
I mean I was sooo fucked last night it was almost not fun, is getting better today, and by tommorrow I'll be back to normal.