The Best Weed You have Ever Smoked?


Well-Known Member
His quality is the type of grow I'm reaching for(almost there with my current grow :bigjoint: )

And yeah, I'm in blazed heaven right now :-P

Hell yeah, that's exciting. Ahh, I can't wait to start growing again, but for now its trying to find the best I can get my hands on.

Wish I had a better camera to show all the crystals, But the first picture here is some super flame ass unknown shit that was almost one hit quit, and the second is the OG kush mixed with Afghani.



Well-Known Member
I live between three pretty big cities and quality herb is everywhere, and is usually cheap.
Trainwreck, widow, jack, cheese, hindu, og, diesel, bubba, they all go for around 250 to 350 an oz depending on the quantity you get of course.
but, I would still pay the outrageous price for this BUBBLEBERRY, it is fantastical. Blueberry and bubblegum combined. I think its ductch passions. She is really hard to grow, and not much on harvest. It would stick to walls, stink up buildings, make cop dogs howl just driving by. A half a decade later, I would still pay 25 a gram just to taste her again. The taste of the two combined is something I have not encountered since my years with the beloved. I live on the westcoast, and see all the new top notch strains. NOTHING has compared since. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I live between three pretty big cities and quality herb is everywhere, and is usually cheap.
Trainwreck, widow, jack, cheese, hindu, og, diesel, bubba, they all go for around 250 to 350 an oz depending on the quantity you get of course.
but, I would still pay the outrageous price for this BUBBLEBERRY, it is fantastical. Blueberry and bubblegum combined. I think its ductch passions. She is really hard to grow, and not much on harvest. It would stick to walls, stink up buildings, make cop dogs howl just driving by. A half a decade later, I would still pay 25 a gram just to taste her again. The taste of the two combined is something I have not encountered since my years with the beloved. I live on the westcoast, and see all the new top notch strains. NOTHING has compared since. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
yeah man that weed sounds like the shit if i could have to weeds as my fav they would be white cap and Bubble Gum Kush grade a shit man love it.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
orange or grape crush circa 1998 so cal.
mr nice medi man
romulan x blueberry
all three are the bomb but my fav would be the crushes as it is a sativa


Well-Known Member
1- buddy called hash plant, one hit ripped and a gram looked like 2 grams fluffffff

2- skunk..smelled like road kill skunk, hands down best looking/smelling/tasting weed ive had/seen

3- buddy called it white widow so now that smell is what i consider widow, this was some bomb dro, tasty shit

then there are the million other dros that try to compare to those 3

never had good outty except for affy and "cali orange", outty is shitty around here mainly..


Active Member
#1 TGA's Chernobyl(trainwreck x trinity x jack the ripper)- Full body high with a soaring head rush
#2 Bohdi seeds' Purple Moonshine(sr-71 purple kush x DJ shorts blue moonshine)- Narcotic almost like popping a bunch of Vicodin
#3 TGA's Apollo 13bx- Total cerebral high with no ceiling, every hit took you higher and higher until you couldn't even focus your eyes


Active Member
i just wanna go to the club and buy 2 grams of every type of weed all of you have mentiond
my 3ed favriot weed would pineapple express rather than the train wreck I said (put that one #4)
4: Train wreck.
3: Pineapple Express.
2: Gods Gift Purple.
1: White Cap / Bubble Gum Kush.
All grade A shit that I love


Active Member
skunk#1 or this piney outdoor stuff, the pine shit made me sit down after 1 bong hit. Couldn't stop laughing or eating and I was trying to do both at the same time XD


Well-Known Member
Let's see that would be my White Russians and AK-48's so far. Only took three rips off my vape and couldn't comprehend a simple 6 word sentence for about 3 minutes. ALOT of pain that day, and def didn't feel any pain after that! :)


Well-Known Member
dangle did u steal that pic off that other weed pic thread? lol

wish i could see all the killa cali bud, med licenses must make dank appear everywhere


Well-Known Member
dangle did u steal that pic off that other weed pic thread? lol

wish i could see all the killa cali bud, med licenses must make dank appear everywhere
No thief here. some more bud porn for askin though. this camera does little justice for this herb.
Getting a med card is as easy, as easy could be. so it opens some doors to say the least.:leaf:

