King Tut
im sure my neighbors thought so too. i live in apartments in a "nicer" neighborhood i guess. most people work at the naval base, so once something gets slightly used they throw it out. so far ive collect a nice ass dresser, 2 kiidie pools, a table and tv stand, a coffe table, and a bike. lol
all sitting in my garage, all nice, just minor scrapes or defects, but people around here dont believe in reuse or recycling so i collect. im sure people view me a certain way because of this but i got to boys,3 and 1, and i dont give a fuck how people view me. saving money is saving money, and honestly if you come into my house and sat on my couch, you wouldnt know that almost nothing was bought from a store. all garage sales, hand me downs, or "im too good for this put it out by the street so that wierd pothead with the dog can come pick it up". lol.
i like it man! Yeah, i have a wife and son and raised my son by myself for 3 years by myself before re-marrying so yeah, i hear ya. We're making it, but my wife is working a LOT of hours lately b/c they are available and we need the check. Always re-purposing/recycling something around here to the point where i actually get messages on FB from friends and family before they throw stuff out. LOL!
Some view me as tight or strange or a stoner, but guess what? i also have so little debt that they all just trip out. i owe about another $4k on my truck(had to get it b/c my ex took the car and furniture in the divorce in exchange for me keeping our son) and about $1k on the car. Not buying a new one, just maintaining what i have. The freedom of not being weighed down by ego and pride are amazing and that's what i tell everyone when they ask why i'm almost always in a good mood.