The Big 40

Thanks for sharing this. I have an "inspiration" wall in my room that I put pictures on. I took a couple of your pictures and added them to my wall. Sometimes it helps to keep hard at work, HOPING that one day if I work hard enough I can be at your level.

Cheers. Thanks for the thread. Took me about 30 minutes to read it all, but it was worth it. =)
That's incredible wheezer! Hell of a lot of work! Good job. We're lucky, we just have to till and stick em in. That's a HELL of a lot of soil to fill in...respect.
makes me wanna cry lol, i dream of having a grow like that. its more then just having good smoke, its a passion, a thing i love to do
That's a 100% legal medical worries!!


I understand that you can grow 18 plants for personal use in yor state, however isn't there a regulation stating how much you can physically have at one time. In Arizona it is 2 1/2 oz per two weeks. if you grew 12 outdoor plants legally, as you can here, and it was a bonus crop like say 10 ibs, you could not cut and cure and store it or you would be illegal.

In your state how does this work. Is the grow 100% legal but the harvest illgal?

So MadJag ....would you really take all the time & effort to grow plants outdoors just so you could follow the law and only harvest 2 1/2oz's? Seriously come on.......commonsense would say no, but my sense says if thats the case no outdoor they need to know about, all indoor!!! So really all they need to do is arrest everyone with plants out in the yard as soon as they cut them down, I mean LE weighs wet plant ,dirt, rootball ,and all as total weight so just 1 average plant would make you sucks to be in AZ, and Cali aint that much better, and Im born and raised here!!!
Being illegal or legal are way too gray of areas in my opinion, and anyone growing or holding takes risk, its just the way it is!!!
Sorry not to burst bubbles or start crap, BUT, under our federal laws everything I do with cannabis is illegal anyways, but that isnt going to stop me from doing what I love.
yea it's definitly "grey" area in the law for sure. I harvested my 18 plants from this garden, took the best 52 oz. for myself, 52 oz for my wife, and 52 oz for the other person that had a script in the 18 plants. 1 oz per week I'm allowed, but at the same time they say 2 pounds is your limit at any one time, so anything over 4 pounds would be illegal under that law for me and my wife to posses at one time.
I never have more dried flowetrsm than I'm allowed on hand at any time, and I only grow my legal number of plants at any one time, and I hope they don't fuck with me. They have no reason to, cause it's plain to see at my house I'm not getting rich from it. There's nothing here for them to want to take so they have no reason to mess with me.
I'll prolly never grow a garden that size again. I did it for the experience mostly, and really have no need for all the bud soooooooooo..............that's the story............and I'm stuck with it!!!!!
can someone please help a first time grower, i have one super skunk about 3ft high and two new cuttings doing fine at the moment but all 3 growing out side, can anyone tell me how to load the pics plus a bit of info about how long it will take to grow as my ferrets have try'd 3 times to kill it lol, all info will be help full thanks
can someone please help a first time grower, i have one super skunk about 3ft high and two new cuttings doing fine at the moment but all 3 growing out side, can anyone tell me how to load the pics plus a bit of info about how long it will take to grow as my ferrets have try'd 3 times to kill it lol, all info will be help full thanks

look down under quick reply, and you see some things down there. click the picture thingy and then select pics from your pc. it should walk you through it.
look down under quick reply, and you see some things down there. click the picture thingy and then select pics from your pc. it should walk you through it.

Cheers m8 very helpful got them up taking some more pics tomorrow so will up load then
john1 315.jpg planted end of may and next pic is 2 weeks later. organics. garbage can with bottom cut out in a mix of our compost and recycled grow soil that had been limed for a few months we add blend of amendments and let the microbes sit for few weeks in the soil.
Kicking myself in the ass for not finding this thread earlier. Everything's looking great! Glad to see somebody else going TLO.

Hope you dont mind me asking. What's the reason for the switch and what were you using before?