The Big 40


Well-Known Member
great stuff wheeze, first time over, and acquainting with you.... haven't been as active on here but I stop by to check out the goods.... BT works great, but I've found that sevin dust really does the trick on those eggs...even though its not really an overwhelming problem you might wanna check it out sometime...keep up the good work



Well-Known Member
They're talking rain this weekend possibly, and I;m taking no chances with some of these things that are hard as a rock already, so I went and bought 6 10'x20' carports, to put up over the rows, and drape tarps in between to keep the ones that are the farthest into flowering dry. I had a small rain shower last year about this time, ruin about 35% of 10 plants I had to bud rot. It ain't happening this year! I'll post some pics of tent city Saturday when it's all up.

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Good luck with the rain Wheezer. I'm going through the same thing this weekend.
Your plants are beautiful, and your grow area is amazing.


Well-Known Member
I got em' at K-Mart for 100 bucks even, I think they're gonna work out fine. I can just leave the frames up, and I'm ready for the next one. Yea guys I'm legal, they do flyovers, and tey know we're there, and they know we are legal. They can see our scripts fro the air, and count the plants. They're not after people who are obviously tring to things the right way.