The Big 40

Have fun trimming. Your going to be soo busy.

Wheezy, LMAO....i get sore just thinking about all that lush, sweet smelling, sticky gooness:weed:(real word, check it out!)and i think im starting to grow extra fingers:) WHere the hell do you trim? hehe that place it gonna reek:leaf: man i can not wait. nor can you i would to you soon Wheezy.
May the sun be bright, and the buds be sticky, all along your path today ;) i don't know should i smoke another:D
Well, I woke up the other night to a thunderstorm at my house, boooooooo, broke all kinds of limbs, and rot is sure to set in as our temps will be low and humidity high the next few days. That's why I moved my garden to this location this year. We got the thunderstorms at the big grow right after we got it covered, so they didn't get wet at all! yaaaaaaaaaaay! I was too tired and didn't even think to take any pics, but I'll get some tomorrow as I'm leaving the covers on for rest of the week cause they say we could get more t- storms this week. We started cutting some goo today, and will be working on it again tomorrow. I 'll have some fresh pics tomorrow for sure!
beautiful your hard work has paid off, was someone there everyday tending to those bushes, you should report back on the medicinal properties of your exotic grow, im interested in the goo strains
Thank you. JC I will do some smoke reviews on some of them for sure, the Goo will be first cause that's what we're working on first, but our trim team is getting bigger, so they're all gonna start coming down pretty soon. I can tell you this...the Goo is an amazing hash's just loaded with crystal.
By the way homgurl..10 years married yesterday!