The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)


Well-Known Member
Do you know anything about ironite or how beneficial it is?
never had an iron problem with my mj so no use for it really. usually iron ferts have EDTAs or chelating agents that kill microbes so I don't use em' in my organics.


Well-Known Member
Interesting! I will have to try to pass those words on I guess my friend up north uses a little bit of it a long with the blood meal in his creek dirt and only one feeding of miracle gro all purpose fertalizer. He stuff is looken big! One of them is about 7 foot and a bush! Cant wait to get some of that norcal blood in me! I am goin way bigger next year! Starting earlier to with seeds and clones! All i am thinking about is next year ha!


Well-Known Member

Beautiful flowers, time to start watching for caterpillars!

P.S. I'm hungry, got any pie? hehehehe!


Well-Known Member

Beautiful flowers, time to start watching for caterpillars!

P.S. I'm hungry, got any pie? hehehehe!
I been watchin' for them little bastards, but I been spraying with BT mixed in with my foliar teas every time all season 3 times a week. I'm hoping I don't see any, but who knows. So far so good.
Right now, it's gopher chasing at my house, me and my dog are having fun if nothing else.....tearing the yard to hell!! haha
No... no pie....YET. I have 3 apple trees in this yard that are LOADED.


Well-Known Member
Just saw the flowering pics. Looks good man Any idea how many weeks my buds have to go on the G 13? Here is a pic i am guessing lke 2-3 more weeks till its done.



Well-Known Member
Hey Wheezer-
I have squirrel and gopher/mole issues here too. Nice to have a "terrier" in the family to take care of the rodent issues. We have a "terrier" in our family too. She's getting a bit old, but still as nasty as ever. I have a pit bull (male), the terrier (female) , and another 90lbs mixed bread hunting dog (female). My 17 lb terrier is the pack leader. My 70lb pit steps aside for the 17lb terrier, and I've seen my 70lb pit take down and kill a 100lb wild boar. My pit is no joke, hates any animal not in his pack, and the terrier is no joke either, she's bad ass!
Side note...
You foliar feed 3 times a week? I've never foliar fed my plants, never. So that's the secret to 5 pounders? hmmmmm

Stay safe...


Well-Known Member
Hey Wheezer-
I have squirrel and gopher/mole issues here too. Nice to have a "terrier" in the family to take care of the rodent issues. We have a "terrier" in our family too. She's getting a bit old, but still as nasty as ever. I have a pit bull (male), the terrier (female) , and another 90lbs mixed bread hunting dog (female). My 17 lb terrier is the pack leader. My 70lb pit steps aside for the 17lb terrier, and I've seen my 70lb pit take down and kill a 100lb wild boar. My pit is no joke, hates any animal not in his pack, and the terrier is no joke either, she's bad ass!
Side note...
You foliar feed 3 times a week? I've never foliar fed my plants, never. So that's the secret to 5 pounders? hmmmmm

Stay safe...
yea, she's just a baby, barely 2. I raised pits and pit crosses in Florida. I used to do the hog hunting thing, with dogs and knives, haha, messy messy way to hunt let me tell ya, and dangerous too, for yoiu and the dogs. Used to keep sewing kits in the truck in case one of the dogs got ripped open bad, we could stitch em' up in the field.


Well-Known Member
What's the foliar recipe!? I am already lightly misting. :)
I do 2 different things. Sometimes, usually once a week, I'll just spray the plants with the tea I brew for the roots, but when I know I'm gonna do that, I go easy on the guano in the tea. The other way I do it, most of the time, is I take that hose end sprayer, and fill it almost half with kelp, and half with fish emulsion, and this year I've been adding Dipel(dry brand of BT), and spray them really well, under sides of leaves is very important, and soak em' good on top too, till they are dripping bad.