The Big CFLs


Well-Known Member
What is the best site (budget wise) to find the big cfl grow lights like the 125 and 200 watters.?


Well-Known Member
And another quick question im wanting to try and grow one plant through scrog to get the most bud out of one plant. When and how do i go about doing this?


Well-Known Member
Yea its an actual 200 watter its equiv to like a 400 or 800 i cant remember... But yea check this guys vid out this is what im talking about with the one plant thing i dont know if this is exactly a scrog job or not but is something i would like to do only difference would be of course lighting and id be using foxfarm organics?

YouTube - Hydro Growing Timelaps PT 1.


Well-Known Member
a SCROG can be used with either one or more plants however a SOG method is meant to be use with several plants ......
read the GROWFAQ......


Well-Known Member
Sweet, now if i was to start a plant in all organic. with 2 125 watt, 500 watt equiv. cfls what kind of harvest do you suppose i could make out with...