The BOMB grow spot!


Rebel From The North
Kinda wish i was a mod in this section lol cause i would be knocking heads up in here!
For real all you trolls the op asked you not to post up in here! But you all continue!
You ask for proof! Well fuck proof if you asked me that i would say no buano!
You question his ability and his skills, who give a flying f-ck if its true or not! Move
On and troll elswhere. I do think a section mod needs to get in here and clean house!


New Member
Kinda wish i was a mod in this section lol cause i would be knocking heads up in here!
For real all you trolls the op asked you not to post up in here! But you all continue!
You ask for proof! Well fuck proof if you asked me that i would say no buano!
You question his ability and his skills, who give a flying f-ck if its true or not! Move
On and troll elswhere. I do think a section mod needs to get in here and clean house!
no shit isnt this about growing not doubting others growing abilities ?
lets talk plants not bullshit bros
let's smoke something and relax


OMG! that is sick man i've only been as far as mexico and was thinking of moving somewhere sunny and fun all i'd need to do is find a job their :p is their any good ways to make money their?


New Member
OMG! that is sick man i've only been as far as mexico and was thinking of moving somewhere sunny and fun all i'd need to do is find a job their :p is their any good ways to make money their?
Hey man, thanks for stopping by. Kinda depends on what your skill set is. There are plenty of opportunities; especially if you can speak Spanish. Lot's of guys came down and worked in real estate offices or for developers but that market has dried up with the economy. Skilled labor (plumbers, electricians, etc...) is an almost impossible market to get into cause of the readily available amount of cheap labor already here. Just kinda depends on what you want to do.


Active Member
PROOF! ... who the fuck do these guys think they are? I joined here a couple of years ago when I was having a problem in a BIG room I was running... I had 50 plants under 32000 watts and was having trouble getting my buds to thicken up... so some "ass clown" doubted I had this setup and wanted a sign with his name on it... I wrote out "X*X*X* needs to suck my dick" (can't recall his name now..) and posted that with me in front of my "ballast wall". After all of that the dickhead couldn't offer ANYTHING useful or relevant to my issue.

Let the haters do what they do best.. HATE... for most of the trolls on sites like this thats all they are good for... I've seen your pics.. I'm impressed bro!

So bugs and weather conditions are a big issue for an outdoor grow? Any thoughts on being able to accomplish any sort of an outdoor grow? I ask because I'm not really looking to do an in door grow when I get to Ecuador... was hoping to do a "Johny Appleseed" style outdoor grow... nothing terribly organized ... more like beans scattered over a number of GPS points that can be maintained a few times over the grow season..



Well-Known Member
Hey Phillip, I'm curious. When I was researching a move to Costa Rica there were some crazy rules about Americans could own property there but had to leave the country every six months. Also a U.S. citizen could gain Costa Rican citizenship through proof of a annuity in the amount of $200,000 or investing $50,000 in a Costa Rican company. I also heard some horror stories about the squatters rules where Americans had hired people to look after their property and because they hadn't been to the property in over a year the caretakers laid claim to it and won. Do you have dual citizenship and which route did you go to obtain it? Also with several properties there do you have to take any precautions in regards to squatters? I am seriously considering retirement down there although several years away. I can't imagine a better place to be when the shit hits the fan over here!


New Member
PROOF! ... who the fuck do these guys think they are? I joined here a couple of years ago when I was having a problem in a BIG room I was running... I had 50 plants under 32000 watts and was having trouble getting my buds to thicken up... so some "ass clown" doubted I had this setup and wanted a sign with his name on it... I wrote out "X*X*X* needs to suck my dick" (can't recall his name now..) and posted that with me in front of my "ballast wall". After all of that the dickhead couldn't offer ANYTHING useful or relevant to my issue.

Let the haters do what they do best.. HATE... for most of the trolls on sites like this thats all they are good for... I've seen your pics.. I'm impressed bro!

So bugs and weather conditions are a big issue for an outdoor grow? Any thoughts on being able to accomplish any sort of an outdoor grow? I ask because I'm not really looking to do an in door grow when I get to Ecuador... was hoping to do a "Johny Appleseed" style outdoor grow... nothing terribly organized ... more like beans scattered over a number of GPS points that can be maintained a few times over the grow season..

Hey ALP. I can't speak for Ecuador because I really don't know the climate all that well and I'm not an experienced outdoorgrower. I've grown a few plants but they have all had problems. The other issue that you run into here (and Ecuador) is the light cycle. Being on the equator you basically get 12/12 all year round. I had to supplement my outdoor tries by putting them under fluoros in the beginning. That might be an option. There are places here in Costa Rica where guys do grow outdoors. Different climates though. There are many different micro climates here and the farther north you go the dryer it gets. I prefer the rainforest and stick mostly to the Central and Southern Pacific Coast. Check out you environment and the humidity when you arrive. That will be your best marker as to whether an outdoor crop will succeed.


Well-Known Member
Kinda wish i was a mod in this section lol cause i would be knocking heads up in here!
For real all you trolls the op asked you not to post up in here! But you all continue!
You ask for proof! Well fuck proof if you asked me that i would say no buano!
You question his ability and his skills, who give a flying f-ck if its true or not! Move
On and troll elswhere. I do think a section mod needs to get in here and clean house!
speaking to the choir and unfortunately it seems some trolls have become mods too.

this whole site needs renovation. but thats the way it goes in the world of the internet.

but yes a mod on here or the rollit up staff need to get on some troll bashing rampages, even if it means fucking up some regular users


New Member
Hey Phillip, I'm curious. When I was researching a move to Costa Rica there were some crazy rules about Americans could own property there but had to leave the country every six months. Also a U.S. citizen could gain Costa Rican citizenship through proof of a annuity in the amount of $200,000 or investing $50,000 in a Costa Rican company. I also heard some horror stories about the squatters rules where Americans had hired people to look after their property and because they hadn't been to the property in over a year the caretakers laid claim to it and won. Do you have dual citizenship and which route did you go to obtain it? Also with several properties there do you have to take any precautions in regards to squatters? I am seriously considering retirement down there although several years away. I can't imagine a better place to be when the shit hits the fan over here!
Hey Groove. Hope all is well man.

Foreigners can own property in Costa Rica buy you need to do it through a corporation. Most property is owned via a corporation anyway because of the legal system and the benefits of corporate sheltering here. It shields you personally and limits your liability.

You still have to leave the country every 6 months for 48 hours but most attorey's and people know how to get around that. You just send your passport to the border for 2 days and get it back with new stamps in it. Costs about $200. If you have residency then you don't have to worry about this. Also, once you are in the residency process they normally give you a paper that exempts you from having to leave as well.

You don't get Citizenship here in Costa Rica because that would mean you have to give up your U.S. Citizenship. You get what's called Residency. Pretty much the same thing. The laws have gotten tougher to get it in the last 5 years but any decent attorney can go through the process with you and get it done within 12-18 months for around $1500. It's a lot easier to get if you are retired and can show a pension as well. as have your pension deposited in a Costa Rican account (they have banks in the U.S. with mirrored accounts to Costa Rica banks). I've seen people get residency in 6 months this way.

The whole squatter thing is in the past. They changed the laws 6-8 years ago and it's not a problem anymore. I mean, if you bought a property and never returned to Costa Rica for 20 years and some guy built a house on it and lived there that whole time then you might have a problem. It's really hard to squat someone's land these days. I haven't had any problems with squatters at all. i have guys who live on some of my properties but they also sign a simple employment contract that is filed in the National Registry and they can't squat my property even if they wanted to and I was gone for 10 years. You actually run into more problems with renters as they have tons of rights. Basically if someone has rented from you for 1 year you have to go through a huge process that takes like 6 months to evict them.

I have residency so I don't have to leave the country. The only thing that I can't do (as opposed to Citizenship) is vote or serve public office. All the other protections under the law and rights are open to me.


Well-Known Member
but you cant move weed and that sucks they smoke alot down there?(highgrade that is) i dont know what trade i could take up i have no certification but i can do about everything hell even hand rolled cigars:bigjoint:


New Member
but you cant move weed and that sucks they smoke alot down there?(highgrade that is) i dont know what trade i could take up i have no certification but i can do about everything hell even hand rolled cigars:bigjoint:
Hey Poly. Yea, you can get rid of it here. All of the foreigners and expats are always looking for good stuff. I basically grow for me and a few close friends (guys I've worked with; other developers; real estate agents, etc...) Most of them are re-selling it cause I'm not trying to make a killing on them. So they buy almost everything I produce. I've got it setup so that what I make pays all of the bills and equipment, nutrients, employees; etc... at the farm and I smoke for free. Put's a little extra scratch in my pocket but I don't need it. It usually goes to making upgrades to the property.


Well-Known Member
sounds cool down there i have a friend who owns some property down there(in the ghetto from what i understand) but he says we could go down there any time been considering it.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man! sounds sweet ill let you know if im down that way, been a while since ive done any traveling outside the states i could use a good vacate


Well-Known Member
Thanks man but these dudes are relentless. 1 of them is a known ghost account for a dude who is trolling me just cause I disagreed with him and the other one is one of the most famous trolls on the forum. Sometimes you just get fed up with these guys. They aren't here to learn or to help others; they just have no life so they go online and try and make people feel miserable cause their own lives are so shitty.
Yeah man I here ya. Why can't we all get along? Lol


Active Member
I came down to Costa Rica for my honeymoon back in September. We stayed in Guanacaste... such a beautiful place!!! I have been trying to figure out a way to get back there ever since I got on the plane to fly home! It sounds like you definitely have it made down there. I can't wait to return, and maybe never leave this time! lol One day...


New Member
I came down to Costa Rica for my honeymoon back in September. We stayed in Guanacaste... such a beautiful place!!! I have been trying to figure out a way to get back there ever since I got on the plane to fly home! It sounds like you definitely have it made down there. I can't wait to return, and maybe never leave this time! lol One day...
Hey Scooby. Next time you make it down come to the the Central and Southern Pacific. Manuel Antonio, Dominical, Golfito. That's where the real beauty is.


Well-Known Member
Hey Groove. Hope all is well man.

Foreigners can own property in Costa Rica buy you need to do it through a corporation. Most property is owned via a corporation anyway because of the legal system and the benefits of corporate sheltering here. It shields you personally and limits your liability.

You still have to leave the country every 6 months for 48 hours but most attorey's and people know how to get around that. You just send your passport to the border for 2 days and get it back with new stamps in it. Costs about $200. If you have residency then you don't have to worry about this. Also, once you are in the residency process they normally give you a paper that exempts you from having to leave as well.

You don't get Citizenship here in Costa Rica because that would mean you have to give up your U.S. Citizenship. You get what's called Residency. Pretty much the same thing. The laws have gotten tougher to get it in the last 5 years but any decent attorney can go through the process with you and get it done within 12-18 months for around $1500. It's a lot easier to get if you are retired and can show a pension as well. as have your pension deposited in a Costa Rican account (they have banks in the U.S. with mirrored accounts to Costa Rica banks). I've seen people get residency in 6 months this way.

The whole squatter thing is in the past. They changed the laws 6-8 years ago and it's not a problem anymore. I mean, if you bought a property and never returned to Costa Rica for 20 years and some guy built a house on it and lived there that whole time then you might have a problem. It's really hard to squat someone's land these days. I haven't had any problems with squatters at all. i have guys who live on some of my properties but they also sign a simple employment contract that is filed in the National Registry and they can't squat my property even if they wanted to and I was gone for 10 years. You actually run into more problems with renters as they have tons of rights. Basically if someone has rented from you for 1 year you have to go through a huge process that takes like 6 months to evict them.

I have residency so I don't have to leave the country. The only thing that I can't do (as opposed to Citizenship) is vote or serve public office. All the other protections under the law and rights are open to me.
All is well, thanks for the reply! That puts away a few concerns. I've still got several years before doing anything but Costa Rica is still plan A. BTW screw the trolls! it always amazes me how many people come to an MJ forum just to start shit.


Active Member
Hey Phillip from NY too, I'll be heading down to Guanacaste next week, specifically Playa Flamingo. Great to see there is a quality scene down there, hope to run into some dank nugs! Thanks for your post!