The boondocks

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Anybody ever watch this show, its like an anime except its american.

Its offensive, but its funny and pretty good.

I think two of the recent episodes have been banned though.


Well-Known Member
the boondocks is an amazing social in the city where the show is produced,everyone i know watches it and enjoys it completely.laff your ass off funny,and seriosly intelligent... i like white people they smell gooooooddd. that charecter is great as are all the charecters involved down to a pimp named slick back


Well-Known Member
I LOVE this show!! I think it's pretty fucking funny, and makes some good social commentary. I love the episode about "Nigga Moments" and the one where they talk about Tom's life long fear of anal rape...

What were the last two episodes that were banned? I missed them!


Well-Known Member
YouTube - Homies Over Hoes

Or the episode where Riley finds out gangstalicious is gay. The whole Homies over Hoes video


Dude, I just watched the banned episodes on youtube, and by the time I was done watching them, youtube removed the videos from the site...


Well-Known Member
Best part of that movie is when Rocko goes to hit the Russians at the hotel, and they already handled it.

"Jesus. He brought a six-shooter."
"There's nine bodies, genius."
"What the fuck were you going to do, laugh the last three to death, Funny-Man?"

Off topic, but I love that movie


Well-Known Member
yeah boondock saints rocks . boondocks rock all things with boons and docks and possibly saints kick ASS