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Well-Known Member
Evening all! I've had a about a pound bro? X2 plus sum! Lol ;)
Looks amazing and hopefully it'll smoke nice, my last grow looked a bit fucking shite for bag appeal, luckily its major peng potent and fucking stinks like no other weed I have ever grown, so I got away with it :eyesmoke:

So chaps on a lighter note I thought this little bud from the bottom had a hairy nut sack on it, so it got the snip (oh the fucking irony) Anyways turns out it was just a stretched calyx... Having administered the chop I put it in my top pocket to dry n smoke later!

Due to becoming a bit busy and suffering 'nose blindness' I'd forgotten it was there and walked into my local shop about an hour later for a paper...

I'd ques up to be served but when I got there 'Margo' the big old (75yrs) tatooed tubster leans over't counter and tells me to close my eyes... then squirts half a tin of Merry Berry Xmas Jingle Bollox Ooouusst spray all over me... whilst bellowing "That fucking stinks young Barry, oooh thats strong... oooo yeah its wicked a tell yer, fuckin reeks lad... phewwwwoorrr yer need a baff lad" it was actually far more obscene than that! She's dog rough, and yet very sweet with it, she always has a fag in her gob, she only takes it out to fill the slush puppy machine and thats about it, or thats wot me mum says anyway! The smell lesson reminder learned :oops: Bought a bottle of lemon oil off ebay... I just rub some on my hands, jacket and pants and it works... just be careful when you pee!


Well-Known Member
I've just harvested my indica chopped her up did a quick trim taking most leaves off leaving a few here n there and boy does she pong
Thats gonna be one stinky box my lad... I trimmed up the last of mine on the spinner these past few days and have a good amount of tasty trim to hash up and smoke, its full of resin glands and smells super sweeeeeeeeet man, Ive got the hash bags ordered, now just I need a freezer!



Well-Known Member
Yeah have you read the instructions kind of got me fucked off within 3 minutes... bear in mind I ain't totally fucking brain dead just yet man! Back in the old days I rubbed it all through a print screen and then baked the residue in fag packet wrappers lol!
Them instructions seem quite simple granted I couldn't be arsed to scroll through and read it all but if I was determined I would lol


Well-Known Member
Well 20 barr makes me slightly more induced than you my friend and I still cbfa! You sneaked any of that bud from the box yet... this lot I chopped Sunday/Monday is going back on rack for a couple days, I've proper fucked drying this but a week in the tubs and a Boveda 62 soon gets it back on track!


Well-Known Member
I had a little look in the box when I did a air exchange with the fan the smell has calmed down smells like fresh cut grass / hay lol was thinking about chopping individual buds of the main stems and jarring them but going to them every few hours to burp them n mix them up...what you think?


Well-Known Member
I had a little look in the box when I did a air exchange with the fan the smell has calmed down smells like fresh cut grass / hay lol was thinking about chopping individual buds of the main stems and jarring them but going to them every few hours to burp them n mix them up...what you think?
I'd wait until there just snapping and then do it, that green smell will just go man assuming you chopped at a good stage of ripeness? Those bovedas really get the stink on, fucking peeled lid back on 8oz of bagged up grade 'b' and within a minute my mates missus is shouting down "That weed stinks Baz" and that was before a bag got unzipped m8!


Well-Known Member
But yes for my personal I always jar it burping once a day for a week 10 days then just once a week or every night when its getting fucking carboed!!!


Well-Known Member
What soil is it in? It's too young to be having problems like that, the soil might be too hot.
Its Canna Pro soil, I bought 5 seeds and 3 of them germinated within 36hrs (paper towel method) and they are growing great but other 2 took longer to germ and seem to be struggling