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Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Just remembered, I had some Barneys Farm Critical Kush and I only got 4 out of 10
so I returned the packet.

Some companies like Serious Seeds put serial numbers on their packets in case of defects. I like this.
Even if they would give me it back I just dare call em up and say my souvenirs I popped em amd non came up lmao..

If it doesn't happen to pop then I just buy different seeds lol, don't know about anyone else here...

Has anyone here rang because the seeds had problems germinating? From UK ofcours lol


Well-Known Member
Even if they would give me it back I just dare call em up and say my souvenirs I popped em amd non came up lmao..

If it doesn't happen to pop then I just buy different seeds lol, don't know about anyone else here...

Has anyone here rang because the seeds had problems germinating? From UK ofcours lol
If you ring up a seedbank to talk about germinating seeds n you are from UK they will simply hang up on you normally

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Aaaahhhhaaaaa it explains it lmao,

Okay ph flux questions,

What point can it be a ph fluctuations it's like today 6.2 water then next watering 7.0 ph?
Or to simplify my question, some days my ph after nutes 6.6 some times it 6.8 is that bad??

Should I make sure allways stays bang on 6.8 or is the 0.2 ph difference okay??


Well-Known Member
Aaaahhhhaaaaa it explains it lmao,

Okay ph flux questions,

What point can it be a ph fluctuations it's like today 6.2 water then next watering 7.0 ph?
Or to simplify my question, some days my ph after nutes 6.6 some times it 6.8 is that bad??

Should I make sure allways stays bang on 6.8 or is the 0.2 ph difference okay??
In soil you should be ph`ing to 6.5, in coco 5.8, where did you get 6.8 n 7.0 from out of interest?


Well-Known Member
If you take a look at this nutrient lockout chart you will see that the reason you should be ph`ing to 5.8/6.5 is because that is the best range for the plant to be able to take up ALL the nutes it neeeds, if the ph rises or lowers then certain nutrients get locked out etc


Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
In soil you should be ph`ing to 6.5, in coco 5.8, where did you get 6.8 n 7.0 from out of interest?
Just wanted to know what would happen if I had a fluctuations like that because a friend is doing this out of dumbness and I wanted to know what next will happen to him lmao,

Mine is allways 6.6 -6.8 with nutes or without and I'm wondering if that's okay with me or do you recon I will come into issues?

That ph for my soil if perfect I see growth daily, the friend who has that ph momentum is falling behind with growth and stems are going red for him lol...

Just curiously asking mate ?

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
If you take a look at this nutrient lockout chart you will see that the reason you should be ph`ing to 5.8/6.5 is because that is the best range for the plant to be able to take up ALL the nutes it neeeds, if the ph rises or lowers then certain nutrients get locked out etc

Thanks mate, I'll try to take em to 6.5..

I have two charts and that's one of em lol


Well-Known Member
Long story short, if your mate is allowing the ph to fluctuate like that it can go 1 of 2 ways, either its a hardy strain n it wnt affect the plant etc, OR he will start seeing leaf issues n slow growth etc, just a case of wait n see tbh(unless you already have a pic of his plants?)

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Thanks @jacksthc I'm still sticking to same as your advice mate,

a buddy of mine is not really caring bout his ph and I can tell its taking a roll on him lmao just curious on what answers I was gonna get so I can show him the answers I printed a chart out for him but one day he uses tesco water wich is between 6.8-6.2 and one day he uses tap water wich is 7.2-7.4....

Just asking my ph since you told me has been spot on and all is green and healthy from tip to toe lol..

Would the 0.2 difference of mine make issues later like he's 1.0roughly difference?