The Bubblehead Showcase


Well-Known Member
oooch roseman, that suks, hopefully its just a few scattered seeds throughout. heres so of my stuff guys, obviously again ignore the soil, theres a bunch of dwc/buppleponics going in the bud room. i did fry 1 3 site 5gal bucket, maybe due to lack of changeouts. but im staying on it now and been able to keep everything alive this time around. im excited to see wut 1 of the buckets will do cause i have a bonifide fire pheno in it, in the ecsd im running. the nugz get immense so im real hopeful on the dwc venture as there filling in nicely. enjoy!



New Member
Omg you guys are settin it off. Well I've got good news... No more links and I got another tent

Flower tent

Veg tent

A peek at the undergarments

And some from last round til I get some new porno

Hope ull all stop by my new journal and say hi. Kinda lone ly in there right now. Keep doin what u guys are doin i find I gotta remove my pants before coming in here now or I tend to fuck my phone up haha.


Well-Known Member
that is fuckin sick man... very nice..that trichrome concentration is outrageous. the tips of your leaves indicate a slight mag. def. your plants are fine of course, obviously, but if your not using any cal-mag+ than i think it will greatly help increase that bud density like it did for me



Well-Known Member
very nice tilemaster, but if I may make in inquiry, what are the temps in the back of the room in this pics,, look a little heat stressed


Well-Known Member
def not heat stress C. situation being that entire bucket got badly burnt . 2 many variables to dicern just wut did it. i had mass shit going on. happened bout 2 weeks back, and since then shes started budding just fine. temps remain at 75 degrees with 4 1ooowatters and 2 6oos.. 5200watts and 75 u guys gotta move north heehe

heres wut i think may have gone wrong with the bucket if u guys wanna know.

let it get to low on water
let the air pump get unplugged while wiring shit out for hours.
didnt fully change the 5 gal out for like 2 weeks cause its a pain in the arse
sprayed neem during lights out like a mad man on my soil plants and may have dosed that 3plants in that 5gallon bucket and choked out the roots. who fucking knows. but only 1 of 4 dwc failed on me, and she didnt die, so hell here we are...


Well-Known Member
def not heat stress C. situation being that entire bucket got badly burnt . 2 many variables to dicern just wut did it. i had mass shit going on. happened bout 2 weeks back, and since then shes started budding just fine. temps remain at 75 degrees with 4 1ooowatters and 2 6oos.. 5200watts and 75 u guys gotta move north heehe
good to know that you your shit completely under control.. very nice... cant wait too see these buds fill out


Well-Known Member
no def not all under control. i never know wut tommorrrow brings my friend. but as far as the temps go i have to april to fire as many lamps as heavenly possible and not breach 82...its cold like alaska where im at...

oh and i rotated this soil tub, to show the nug size im getting out of the ecsd, which have several starting to budd in dwc. im stoked to see if this strain gets this girthy in soil, i have some monsters in 30days in dwc totes.....



Well-Known Member
well thats what i meant, temps are my hardest problem to conquer(maybe i should move north lol)... once i had my heat problems done, my plants ripped... what are saying you think your problem is?


Well-Known Member
either neem leeking i think down in the rezz.. or i didnt change them out often enought, like i kept refilling them when the'd drink down to tragic levels, but never taking out the last bit. toxicity? i have no fucking idea brother its actually funny, cause i wigged, when I discovered 1 3 site 5galloner completly looking smoked, but the totes next to it same treatment just fine. so who knows. and theyve sorta recovered, maybe its just happened so id stay on my heels, cause boy im watching the other hydro totes like a hawk now. and ya man if u move north u just need inline fans. and well for my op now at this size ill need larger inline fans next summer, and possilbly a little more than my 11,000btu portable a/c , maybe a split ductless but hey i should be able to afford it be next summer, thats the plan


New Member
that is fuckin sick man... very nice..that trichrome concentration is outrageous. the tips of your leaves indicate a slight mag. def. your plants are fine of course, obviously, but if your not using any cal-mag+ than i think it will greatly help increase that bud density like it did for me

Thanks c5 yeah I was using cal mag but last round I was using so many nutes I was afraid to go full strength with it. Still got rock hard nugs tho. And as for the trich production and concentration pm me if ya want some tips. I spent 5 years reading on trich production concentration and maturation and many techniques thought to work then applied them to a strain I knew (purple erkel) and ended up with gorgeous connesour grade nugs. I was please. Again thanks for all the kind words and actually the help cause if it wasn't for u and most the people on this thread I may not have gotten the harvest I did


Elite Rolling Society
Just some bud pics to share and show you.

This is another one of those freaky buds with the side stems, but they are only at the top 1/2 of the bud. The lower 1/2 of the bud is thick, dense and normal.

The freaky 20 inch long bud leaning against the wall is all Stems with flowers and not dense or thick anywhere on it.

This bud is nice and normal.


Elite Rolling Society
I have several giants like this one, full and about 18 inches long. I am trying LIGHTS ON ande LIGHTS OFF to see how a pic looks the best here.
