The Bubblehead Showcase


Active Member
Damn, those pics just don't do justice to what has happened!
I'm growing PPP and I know exactly what you're going through...amazing growth rate during the first few weeks of flowering! My plants have tripled in size the last three weeks...I'm super-cropping like never before to try to slow them down!


Well-Known Member
I'm growing PPP and I know exactly what you're going through...amazing growth rate during the first few weeks of flowering! My plants have tripled in size the last three weeks...I'm super-cropping like never before to try to slow them down!
Hellz yea! I've grown this strain before, but never under HID. I'm soooooo happy with it!


Active Member
I was wrong about the plant being a male! I looked at it closely this morning and sure enough right at the top I recognized the little coochie hairs! :lol: haha! I guess it just took a little longer than the clone because that one was started from seed. Man I am so happy today was an awesome day we went to the gun range for about three hours and shot some bad ass guns. While we were there I even got to see a fully auto thompson sub machine gun and a fully auto mac 11. Awesome. Truly awesome.:mrgreen:


Elite Rolling Society
I got up this morning, and my wife asked me
"what you going to do today"

and I answered

"I think I will jerk some males today"

You ought to see the look she gave me. LOL


Well-Known Member
Finally harvested my girl after about 9-10 weeks flowering..Was expecting bigger colas but I guess I didn't do so bad for my first grow. Oh yeah and the outside plant is just a random seed I planted outdoors in june and look at her now:)
Only a week or 2 until I can fully enjoy the fruits of my laborbongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i would really appreciate some help with this. I have no idea whats going on here. just appeared today.. the weird thing is that one of the oxygen tubes is pink too.
