The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.


Well-Known Member
Late in part-taking on this.
So im here now bud Squad.
You've had some really dumb people post some shit on here. but anyways good luck and i love to see how these come out!:leaf:

p.s i know a friend who does the same thing, loves to grow pot, not really into the smoking of pot anymore himself. But its all good.
Happy growing.!
Your comment seems to indicate that by "drug dealers" you are referencing "pot dealers". My question to you is, what's wrong with pot dealers? If it were not for pot dealers alot of people who can't/don't grow or who are not fortunate to live where there is medical marijuana laws would not be able to partake in the "personal use" that you seem to have no problem with. If you grow or are a medical mj patient then kudos to you bro, not everyone does/is. Your prejudices against pot dealers seems rather silly when to take into account that you made it on a site where probably more than half of the members either are or have at one time in they're life engaged in some degree of marijuana dealing. Kinda like bashing President Obama on a Democratic site. And finally, if you don't like what you see in this thread then stay out, don't post ridiculous and just plain stupid comments in it. Now, if you respond to this then that means you subscribed to this thread which would indicate that you were hoping someone would respond to your dumb-ass comment and that would suggest that you made that comment hoping to provoke a response from a drug dealer. Congratulations, you got one from one.
hahaha nice man u really called him out!


Well-Known Member
man to be honest i dont want u drug dealers on this website this is more for people growing for fun and personal use
Silly comment.

About like going to the Budweiser or Marlboro websites and expecting support against their respective products.

Except that our product doesn't kill people.


Well-Known Member
bud squad don't listen to alexbumpoo. i grow as much weed as i can every year to sell and give to my family, and i don't even smoke it anymore!! it's just profit and helping out my family....not to mentioned since i quit smoking it(cause i had no choice)i devoted my life to cannabis cultivation, breeding and selling!! i am completely consumed for the love of marijuana it's my #1 priority besides family and my girl!!! so grow and sell it bro!! it's never killed ANYBODY!!!!!