The Budologist's 2013 Organic/Outdoor Super Soil Grow


Well-Known Member
buds are fire, I wasnt able to get the cut of platinum this year, i already have too many strains, but that cut was seriously the most fire outdoor ive ever grown. If you've seen the platnium at the green door, it was exactly the same. Have fun with that 1!!

also the highest yielding extract strain for making oil/shatter Ive EVER seen. No joke got 18-20 g's of pure fire, off a two ounce tube1.5 cans of newport. Absolutely insane


Well-Known Member
Damn I should have hit you up for the Grape Stomper BX you wanted me to test out for ya! Oh well. Living vicariously through your grow. :D


Well-Known Member
awesome grow i cant wait to try mainlining my next grow, and imsoo jealous of that norcalsourd that is an amazing cut!!!


Well-Known Member
Treated the girls with GreenCure this morning. Need to apply every week or two. Ill post here to remind myself when I last applied.


Well-Known Member
How are the girls doing? Is the GreenCure mainly preventative or is PM going around? Hope you had a good memorial day weekend!


Well-Known Member
How are the girls doing? Is the GreenCure mainly preventative or is PM going around? Hope you had a good memorial day weekend!
Girls are doing great. I saw a spot of PM on my GrapeStomper BX2 that's in the ground so I treated her and all the other girls. I'm gonna spray weekly in veg to keep it away and stop around week 1/2 of flowering.


That's a good idea to use the GreenCure during veg, I'm currently using Garden Safe Fungicide3 for veg and Safer Caterpillar Killer for flowering stage, do you use safer for those cats? It works good been using it for a while.