The Budologist's 2013 Organic/Outdoor Super Soil Grow

Bud, we have a serious worm issue here in the bay. those are cabbage loopers for the most part. i did find one boring down the main stem. anyways dont fuck around. because when the weather turns it spreads to rot in a heart beat.

I have found that they like the sweet varieties. ive also noticed that some varieties they dont touch at all like casey jones. point being strain selection can help big time here. some strains are just magnets.

be prepared to spray conserve deep into the season in our region until u find some good resistent strains
I noticed last year that once I got them all killed I got very few back. I spray my whole yard and soil at night. Watched the butterflies and moths avoid the plants this morning. I wonder if they can smell it?

Happy Friday!

I'm using Captain Jack's Dead Bug and also Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer, I switch off of the two products. I agree that caterpillars love the sweeter variety strains. Last year they loved munching on my Purple Diesel, I lost half of the plant to those fuckers, hate that shit. This year I'm gonna quarantine their asses. Good shit!! Does anybody have a certain schedule for the Captain Jack's, it says every 4 days? And also, for the Safer Brand, how many times a week you guys spray? I spray every 7 days like it says on the bottle.
You can follow the application but you can use more often and I think them caterpillar egg hatches in 3 to 5 days.
And don't just spray your plants. Spray the soil and all of the area around your garden. Last year it worked for me very well. :)
Thanks for mentioning spraying the earth also! I'm using Safer every 2 weeks since onset of flowering . Found 3 worms today on 2 plants so I'm thinking about spraying them every 10 days from now on . 2nd year growing and still feels a bit weird to spray anything on them , unfortunately necessary in my area as I had plenty of budworms last year . Trying to learn what's the minimum amount to be applied without loosing effectiveness .
BT is very safe. It is only bad for caterpillars. I was able to control them very well last year.
I chopped the Scott's OG and there were three dead caterpillars in the buds - no live ones! That stuff really works!
Chopped the Scott's OG because it was done. Need the room for one of these clones:

Here is the trimmed Scott's:

the active ingredient in conserve sc is spinosad. That's what I used 2-3 days ago and I'm finding dead worms. Gonna spray again tonight.
Nice, I didn't look what you were using up, I use the monterey gardens. I went the last 2 years with no worms and no mold thanks to spinosad and serenade preventively. Once they are there the battle is on, but spinosad always does really well.
I use double the recommended strength of the Safer stuff - saw a video somewhere about a guy who was using that much so I changed. It started working great when I upped the concentration. Before it didn't seem to make a difference.

im pretty sure 5 ml is way too much! u want to use the least amount possible that will kill them so they dont build up a tolerance. also why rotating is important too. 2ml-2.5 ml has been working for me reall well for over 2 years

no wonder it smells so strong to you. 5 ml is pretty intense. they recommend 6 ml for mites.

Mo: the safer bt is mostly water and could easily be doubled up.


directions for worms are 2ml per gallon. you are overdoing it BUD. the directions have lots of rates for different bugs and applications page 7 top left has the directions for worms. your using twice as much as you need.

just looking out..