the burlington flying monkey's attacked!


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(Pictured left and right) Flying monkey holding Vermont State Flag- One Main Street, Burlington VT (The Queen City). Flying monkeys in all cultures are associated with mischief and evil. Blasphemy HellJesus: "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." -Matthew 12:30Vermont Prisons
M0NTPELIER — Vermont tops the list of states that spend more money on prisons than on higher education, according to a report released yesterday. - Valley News 2-29-08
Inmates describe problems, Burlington Free Press, August 11, 2004;1B,3B (The prison system came under fire after an investigation into seven inmate deaths since 2002.): “A panel of inmates at the Southern State Correctional Facility complained Tuesday about how hard it is to find places to live when they have completed their jail sentences. ‘I’ve noticed inmates stuck here when they are eligible to be released,’ said Mike Fay… Inmates repeatedly returned to their most pressing need- housing on the outside.” House Moriah destroyed by Vermont

[TD="width: 100%"] "An inmate at Marble Valley (Rutland, VT) Correctional Facility hanged himself Sunday according to Vermont’s Department of Corrections." -Burlington Free Press 5-28-2002 "Inmate Suicide attempts are common in Vermont's prisons, but deaths are rare. Below are the numbers between 1991 and 2001(These numbers do not include prisoners housed out-of-state." Source: Vermont Department of Corrections; The Burlington Free Press Article 10-8-2003.) Year Attempts Deaths Prison population 2001 46 3 1,710 2000 33 0 1,610 1999 10 0 1,432 1998 27 0 1,269 1997 47 0 1,143 1996 58 2 1,058 1995 99 0 989 1994 36 0 992 1993 56 1 903 1992 34 0 888 1991 42 1 834
< On book cover in red ink and difficult to read: "Why our justice system doesn't work and the only method of true reform" (Chuck Colson was a Top Aide to President Nixon; Chuck turned to Jesus after Watergate!)

< Authentic in person signature of Chuck Colson to Tom (Millington)


Thomas Millington, volunteer at 2011 and 2012 Gospel Express Ministry Crusades in South Carolina. >
One prisoner wrote, "I should have had this seminar a long time ago. Eight years of 'anger management' classes has not dealt with the root of my problem like this 2 day seminar (Bondage to Freedom) has."

Note: Vermont believes in "anger management"!

Finding God in Prison < Vicious gang leader found transformation in Christ!
Other Vermont News Articles:
State Hospital to Lose Federal Funding- Suicide, treatment deficiencies to blame -Front Page headline Burlington Free Press, 2003

Amnesty International Targeting U.S. for Alleged Rights Abuses "Across the country thousands of people are subjected to sustained and deliberate brutality at the hands of police officers. Cruel, degrading and sometimes life-threatening methods of constraint continue to be a feature of the U.S. criminal justice system." -Rutland Daily Herald; October 5, 1998
[FONT=Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"[/FONT]We have already lost our rights to do at least half of the things on that list as well as many others, to some extent! What is going on here? Simply this: Power-hungry government officials - backed by people with hidden agendas - have convinced us to sacrifice our freedoms bit by bit, always in the name of some supposedly noble cause (usually something to do with protecting us from some imaginary or greatly exaggerated danger). And with every change they gain a little more power; a little more control." -Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association New York Times: American Exception-Inmate Count in U.S. Dwarfs Other Nations’
..."Mr. Whitman, who has studied Tocqueville’s work on American penitentiaries, was asked what accounted for America’s booming prison population" Unfortunately, a lot of the answer is democracy- just what Tocqueville was talking about,” he said. “We have a highly politicized criminal justice system."

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"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." -Hebrews 13:3 Chuck Colson: Why is prison evangelism so important? "First of all, God tells us to do it. Jesus is very specific about going after the prisoners and the least of these, and they are the least of these. But second, when a prisoner is converted, it is a big story. If somebody is converted in a church that’s what you expect. But the dregs of society, the people who have been the most antisocial, the most dangerous in society, all clustered together in prison, when one of them is transformed... That is an undeniable witness. That is an undeniable apologetic. That is the invisible Kingdom made visible. -Jubilee June 2012

Pending a response:

It is written: "May the groans of the prisoners come before you; by the strength of your arm preserve those condemned to die." -Psalm 79:11 "I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness." -Isaiah 42:6,7 Seven out of ten American children will follow in their parent's footsteps... Right into Prison! “The best studies trace the cause of crime to broken homes and to the lack of moral and spiritual formation during childhood.” -Chuck Colsen, Jubilee Extra June 2004 Teen Challenge Vermont Understand Sin Be Born Again
Evidence of Christianity under attack in Vermont:
According to polls released in 2009 and 2010 by Gallup and Survey USA, Vermont ranks last in support of pro-life issues, is the least religious state in the nation, and is tied with Connecticut as the second most liberal state. -Christian Action Ministry Vol. 21, #01
"It is neither in the interest of inmates nor in the interest of society as a whole to force prisoners to go without the humanizing benefits that religion can provide." -Duke Law Journal, 1998; The importance of protecting the religious freedom of prisoners
(Responsive letter April 7, 2006) "Dear Mr. Millington, ...I will share the information you have provided with members of my executive staff. ... there are certainly areas for improvement in the State of Vermont, as in all states. Thank you for sharing your views and for being so candid." -Department of Corrections Commissioner, Robert D. Hofmann.
My initial letter was in response to National Complaint from Chuck Colson: "In Vermont, a prison chaplain was told he could no longer offer PF's newspaper, Inside Journal, because it 'advocates' a particular religion." -Jubilee Extra, February 2005, page 7 Operation Starting Line
On the contrary, in the hall of the Vermont State Capitol reads this plaque: "The Record of Vermont as a resolute champion of individual freedom as a true interpreter of our fundamental law as a defender of religious faith as an unselfish, but independent and uncompromising commonwealth of liberty- loving patriots is not only surpassed, but unmatched by any other State in the Union." -George Harvey, 1921, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain
Now compare this next excerpt (Burlington Free Press, Thurs., July 25, 1946) to the attitude above, and see if anything is changed! Largest Number Distributed by Vermont Organization: Bibles totaling 300, the largest number to be given at one time by the Vermont Gideon Organization were presented the state prison at Windsor, at a special Sunday morning chapel service. … [Mr.] Washborn told the prison inmates that it was important that the people should go to God for help and strength. “Read the Bible,” said the speaker, for in its pages are words of wisdom, and the only solution to live a victorious life. At the close of the service, 25 men raised their hands..." Be Born Again
"A powerful State has always been a threat to the existence and influence of the Church. Whether the threat be Nazism, Communism, or humanism, a state that is hostile to religion will always attempt to push the church toward forced irrelevancy. ... As the state expands its powers, it can initiate laws that limit the church's freedoms. -Hitler's Cross, Erwin W. Lutzer

[TD="width: 100%"] "When a nation becomes powerful that does not mean that such a nation can do what it likes. Everything must be done with deep respect in accordance with laws of higher order. I am referring here to the divine positive law, the natural law, and the ecclesiastical law. The divine positive law consists of the Ten Commandments we find in the Bible, which are found in virtually every religion conceivable. The natural law deals with the law of nature, while the ecclesiastical law deals with rules and regulations enacted by religious authorities." - Charles Mercieca Ph. D Professor Emeritus Alabama A&M University,
President United Nations World Peace Academy
Homeland Security (USA) has in partnership (a player on the same team): The United States Postal Service and the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army’s mission is an International movement of the Universal Christian Church to preach the gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. (Not political, nor funded by U.S. government.) "Anyone attending an American Correctional Association convention, as I have, will undoubtedly be struck by the amount of vendors in attendance selling everything from riot gear to phone services. Corrections is definitely a growth industry. According to recently released figures by the Department of Justice, one in every 32 American adults is either behind bars or on probation or parole.
While some see this as a chance to make a buck, we at Prison Fellowship see it as a historic challenge to the Church." -Mark Early, Jubilee Extra, February 2007
It is written: "Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully." -Proverbs 28:5 Vermont Fact: Judges are not democratically elected. What then is the moral standing of these individuals, and, consequently their impact on life? What do they understand about reconciliation with God and society? The secular (nonreligious) judges today hide behind a manmade concept called judicial immunity- The absolute protection from civil liability arising out of discharge of judicial functions which every judge enjoys. Under doctrine of "judicial immunity," a judge is not subject to liability for any act committed within the exercise of his judicial function; the immunity is absolute in that it is applicable even if the actions of the judicial official are taken in bad faith (emphasis added)." -Black’s Law Dictionary, 6[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition Likewise, correctional "professionals" within the prison system escape public scrutiny; they tend to be suspicious of religious activity because they, themselves, are not spiritually minded. There was a time in the recent past when religious instruction was a pillar of society; however, in recent years, abandonment and usurpation of moral standards have incited these unelected "professionals" to become unfriendly, even hostile towards religion (spiritual things). e.g. News Article: Officer to face smuggling charge "A corrections officer is charged with smuggling marijuana into Rutland jail." Rutland Herald January 15, 2008 Forget not the life of a prisoner: They are under total control of conditions given them or not given them. e.g. inmates have complained about, among other things, prison crowding, shoddy facilities, brutality by correctional officers, excessive noise, abuse from fellow inmates (gangs), inadequate heating or ventilation, poor food quality, health care, etc. Prison conditions do not get true public appraisal, nor do they get probative (a testing of one's character, ability, etc.) examination. PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) e.g. Riot erupts at Rutland jail -"Prisoners locked in cells held handwritten signs up to their windows that read 'We are mistreated,' and 'We need case workers.'" -Rutland Herald, October 19, 2008
Surely prisoners in silent prayer ask is there truly a living God able to save? Yes, Jesus! -Thomas Millington Ambassador Award
[TD="class: style2"]This is sad! These statue's have been here forever and have been a landmark here for locals. Too funny how the religous see them as evil![/TD]