You can call bullshit all you want. I have no reason to lie. So here comes your correction.
The main reason I haven't posted so long is because I was sick and tired of this exact response from idiots who think they know it all. They shout out how everyone else is full of shit and call everyone else a liar if their experiences don't match up. These are the same retards who ratted out their friends in 4th grade cause they wanted the teacher to stick a gold star on their peckers for kissing up.
How does a reg seed go hermie?
Just asking this question alone told me right off the bat that you were one of those idiots I speak of. I won't even offer an explanation. Go read a book.
I'm calling bullshit........blardy blar blar
Ya ya ya......big internet tough guy know it all. Says he's right and by GOD he knows he is. Must of been all those stars the teacher stuck on your nuts when you were a kid to make you so delusional. Call BS all you want. What happened, happened. Could it have been my fault? Possibly, but I highly doubt it since everything around them were perfect.
Did I put CC down? Na. Just posting my experience with them like everyone else is. I even said I'd give them another shot if I got some good reports back on their pre-98 bubba.
Hopefully you have been corrected.......tough guy. But knowing the type of person you probably are.........I'll most likely be back here for obvious reasons