The Captian's Medical Grow 2


Well-Known Member
I'm here watching too, cap.

I think I finally placed it.... your avatar.... is that from Mike Tysons Punch Out? I can still hear the ring of that bell. Either way totally makes me think of old nintendo games. Man time flies huh.



Well-Known Member
I'm here watching too, cap.

I think I finally placed it.... your avatar.... is that from Mike Tysons Punch Out? I can still hear the ring of that bell. Either way totally makes me think of old nintendo games. Man time flies huh.


Ding ding ding!!! Hells yeah it is, it's Soda Popinski from Mike Tyson's punch out!

I loved this game when I was a kid.



Well-Known Member
Okay, so just a quick picture and update because my girl crashed early I am not able to do a full fledged photo shoot without waking her up.

So the strains currently in play are

Trainwreck (arcata 32 cut)
OG Kush
Greenhouse Super Lemon Skunk
DNA Chocolope
DNA La Woman

I also have a Soma Sogouda mom as well as a querkle mom. Not sure what I am going to do with them, atm.

Here is the quick pic of the garden

As you will notice they are all in canna bio. I am using BioBiz nutrients and Roots excelurator. The girls seem to really love it, I dose the girls at max and not even a little bit of nute burn!

I guess this means my garden is organic now??



Well-Known Member
Looking nice and fat, loving those indi shaped leaves.

To be truelly organic CK, you would need to hook your light up to dynamo, get on your bike, and pedal like a mad man, hahaha. I actually watched an experiment on TV where they had a load of cyclist basically hooked up to dynamo's, running the electricity supply to a domestic house. When the family got up in the morning, just to boil a kettle they had to add some bikes and all peddle like crazy. Quite interesting. But yeh, you're organic enough for me!!

Forgot to mention to you, not been doing much Muay Thai recently (my knee went again) So I went to the hospital, I have got arthritis in my knee!!(which was inevitable) In the next few weeks I am going in for an operation on my miniscus which is also damaged (naturally they can't do nothing about the arthritis)...I bloody hate not being able to train!!!

Peace bru, and have a good weekend.



Well-Known Member
The whole garden

The Lemon Skunk From GH

DNA LA Woman

DNA Chocolope

The always Lovely OG Kush




They are thriving on Bio Bizz and H&G Roots excelurator. Happy, healthy girls.

Comments and feedback appreciated.



din'e medicine

Active Member
That is really nice! Kryptonite is a rare strain. When i make up my mind (because of spider mite infestation), i'll be growing that next, whether i chop down my still growing females, or play it out til harvest. And also Chocolope and Super Lemon skunk! Im also growing in a tent. Your soil is dry, but thats good. You want it to spread roots and take up all that nutes. Good grow...


Well-Known Member
That is really nice! Kryptonite is a rare strain. When i make up my mind (because of spider mite infestation), i'll be growing that next, whether i chop down my still growing females, or play it out til harvest. And also Chocolope and Super Lemon skunk! Im also growing in a tent. Your soil is dry, but thats good. You want it to spread roots and take up all that nutes. Good grow...
Thanks for stopping by Din'e. When the photo was taken I was letting them dry out for their next feeding.

I fucking hate spider mites & wish you luck in eradicating them.


Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
hey captian I cant wait to see some pics of your chocolope buds, they always look so fucking good and different anytime I see them in a magazine or online. :)

As always, everything looks really healthy and happy, you consistently make it look easy.

Dont forget, you gotta wait for king hippo to open his mouth before you can punch him in the stomach. - Nintendo Power Tip #11243

...ok "Another Bad Creation" just came on to perform at the end of In Living out, lol


Well-Known Member
hey captian I cant wait to see some pics of your chocolope buds, they always look so fucking good and different anytime I see them in a magazine or online. :)

As always, everything looks really healthy and happy, you consistently make it look easy.

Dont forget, you gotta wait for king hippo to open his mouth before you can punch him in the stomach. - Nintendo Power Tip #11243

...ok "Another Bad Creation" just came on to perform at the end of In Living out, lol
My chocolope is an annoying girl right now. She is just so damn short. Even for a pure indica she is a shorty. I have heard a lot of rumblings about a mini lope pheno that is head and shoulders more potent that the norm. I don't know for sure if this is her but she fits the profile. Gonna wait for flower to decide. Supposedly the mini pheno doesn't stretch a bit, just keeps on stacking.

As for my growing skills, Your words are too kind. I just keep an eye on em and feed em when I think there hungry, water em when I think their thirsty. Beyond that, they do the rest.

ABC was the shiznit, you can't say you weren't seingin "IIIIEEEESHAAAAA" back in the day!

Outty 5000!



Well-Known Member
Well the girls are 5 days into 12/12 so I thought this would make a good "last of veg" entry.

All the girls are doing well, no drama to report. The chocolope is still shorter than anything else going, just nodes atop of nodes. Vertical branches reaching for the sky.

They will get water only for 10 days, then I will switch to bio bloom and topmax nutrients, both made by biobizz. The biobizz nutes really impress me because the growth and development are nearly on par with my hydro girls, which for a soil grow, is impressive. Nice thick stalks, reinforcement around the branchs, really nice, healthy development. I will continue to use the biobizz line. I highly suggest my fellow growers to give them a try.

Here are the updated pics:

Here are some starters for my outdoor plot. I guess you could say I got a head start on the outdoor season...

This is the Sogouda by Soma seeds

This is Querkle by TGA/subcool

These girls should be trees come August!

These are my indoor girls, a few days into flower

Strain names are on the pots:

Things are going well, I am (as always) interested in feedback and feel free to ask anything you may have questions about.


Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Excellent Excellent Excellent my friend. they are all looking so damn good. That trainwreck looks a little 'special' but I have heard thats how it also get its name..grows like a trainwreck all crazy...anyways...thanks for the eye candy bro

I will smoke some grand daddy purps to the 12/12 gods for you tonight. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro, I had to go get my dr's rec renewed today and on the way back stopped at the dispo and picked up...

Sour Grapes



Well-Known Member
Well, we are 10 days into flower. The girls have completed their stretch and are starting to make lil buds. Some are going quicker than others but that's the game.

I gave up on the biobizz nutes for flower and have switched back to my beloved fox farm nutes. I am a person who listens to his gut and my gut said the biobizz wasn't enough. IDK why this happens but when I listen to my gut, things go right.

As always, the strain name can be found on the pot.

This is a Romulan clone I cut on 3/15, I want to get an idea of her bud formation.

Thes are my outdoor girls, got about 6-8 more weeks before they are harvested

Originally, I was gonna put these two in my outdoor plot but decided to let them finish instead because I wanted an early harvest. Plus, the SOgouda is so damn pretty...

As always, questions and feedback welcome.



Well-Known Member
Hey CK, diggin the pics of your toes, lol. I was thinking maybe to start a thread were people can show off their plants and their feet/trainers/shoes (I am always leaning forward balancing myself so as not to get the toes in my pics, one day I'll probably fall over into one of the godamn girls, haha.

Those outdoor girls look stunnin my man. Did you top them or just let them grow eu naturale? fat looking!! Very nice, CK.

Peace, DST