The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
nah there was a hemp expo in London dude tom tom did the rest lmao. Was quite funny wen i had a smoke with londoner in my car in the middle of a very busy Brick Lane, 4 big blokes crammed into a tiny vw golf blazing cheese and stinking up the street lol.
Sounds like a great afternoon, that's how you make some friends :weed:

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
(4 big blokes crammed into a tiny vw golf blazing cheese and stinking up the street lol.)
counjures up a funny picture in my head mr west mind you the brain moved out 10 mins after my 1st spliff today lol


Well-Known Member
happydayz... glad to see its looking healthier.. the exodus that is.. also clear to see already thatthe bbc seed is closer to the origanal than the ghs version.

finally not preaching or anything but they look like theyd benefit from some nitrogen :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
they need poting on, which ill do wen the mk goes into 12/12 wen theres more room. Ill do this at end of week lol


Well-Known Member
What an improvement on that uk cheese Mr West, its taken off now man!

See, i told you about that BB cheese mate, you got a cracker there! Look at the leaf structure and shape, its almost the same as the original!!


mr west

Well-Known Member
i hope ur right dude i jus went and had a look at em and te exodus is a bit more spikey i think lol, the tips of the spikes kinda bend out on the echeese.


Well-Known Member
Dont be too picky mate :lol: ;-)

What you have there is what people are lookin for when theyre growing out BB cheese, im 101% sure thats the original cheese like pheno, youl never get an exact real cheese from BB, because the afghani genes from its father that BB crossed the original with are still there so there will be some slight differences ;-)

This is one of my BB cheeses in its early stages, and its the same pheno iv had from all of mine and seems to be the common pheno that most people get, the indica afghani dominant pheno.

Look how different the phenotype is to yours mate.................
