The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
The only thing i did different is change to coco. So there u have it coco is a way forward with little or no effort lol.
yup, its true....

all ppl that have grown longer use coco or most do. I guess next run :)

got to finish my el nino, trainwreck, big bang and 8 haze. bongsmilie


what brand u use ?


Well-Known Member
yeah it does look like the cheese, was that the main cola or a side branch?

I would go for home grown fanta seeds cheese. I got one cheesey pheno out of 4 seeds i planted but it was very cheesey or u could go with greenhouse seeds cheese they are very close to the cheese too.
Cheers for the heads up mate :mrgreen:

I'll be jotting that down to be the 3 strains I'm working with.

I wanted a Cheese as close as possible and 2 strains from TGA Subcool: Vortex and Chernobyl. The description and smoke reports I've heard from them are out of this world. Then again, everything from TGA is :bigjoint:

How's Jack the Ripper? I was thinkin of grabbin it since it's sposed to be a definite keeper, but uncertain.

mr west

Well-Known Member
my jtrs are on the verg of going into flower as we speak lol jus waiting for some space to give em lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well Ive only had 4 propper games so far but yeah its chalenging. We was gonna go today but the rain stopped play lol 1st lot of raing since august ffs lol. I think i wanna be a fair weather golfer lol.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Driving in the wind & rain is a pain unless you can control your fade and draw and putting the greens go super slow.

Good excuse to stay in and get baked


Well-Known Member
hehe ive only played a few times and yeah i was baked.. it was what gave me the inspiration to give it a shot lol.

i went golfing after a hard weekend once lol(not That fun ppl)


Well-Known Member
tents looking pretty as always there westy.

how the skunk special holding up against the others you've tried so far?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i might take em at 9 and half weeks or i might wait till next monday and cut at ten weeks, when u cutting urs?