The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
OK here it is Sir, Took about 3 hours but a very nice haul. A little washing machine Hash.
Nice Hemlock!!!

Don't you think someone should consult with the washing machine manufacturers to get them to add another wash cycle to their machines. They could just stick a little Ganja leaf on the dial so you don't mix up your undies wash with yer trim wash!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
toke report??

hehe i may be doing a mini run soon myself.... and i mean mini just wanna see if theres a lot of difference in the budder.


Well-Known Member
yeah i been a bit busy lately.. should be back on trick in no time (well hopefully lol)

the missus is doing great.. shes playing mario atm


Well-Known Member
washing machine hash??? never heard of it b4, looks nice tho.
Ozzy mates of mine use to do it in the Dam. Bag attached to the out-tube of a washing machine, trim, ice and on you go, full cycle.

Has anyone else noticed that when you post on a thread and go back to your control panel, the thread disappears until someone posts on it again. For the first time this afternoon I had no subscribed threads!!! Now they are coming back, must delete, must delete, must delete....aaaaagggh, fuk it, I am off to the pub.:bigjoint:


Active Member
where can i get some exodus cheese from??? im from London myself any help would be GREATLY appreciated. happy growin everybody!!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
exactly the same principal as bubble bags, i think, just automated. i'm a little vague on just how you catch the hash etc, without it all running straight outta the drain.

i believe FDD does the same method for making his, maybe because of just how much he has to use


Well-Known Member
washing machine hash??? never heard of it b4, looks nice tho.
Its easy, you will love it.

4 gallons of r/o water in the machine. add ice get water to 41 degree add frozen :leaf:trim in material bag. put in machine, wash for 12-15 mins.
drain contents on spin cycle into work bag.
that water will go into a bucket thats lined with a 73 micron screen bag. Pull bag out of bucket and:-oif you did it right you should get a nice handful of wet hash:clap:, let dry for 24 hours. 2 hits and i'm done...

thanks DST,,, you rock

Nice pics Mr West .. LOOKS GOOD!!!


Well-Known Member
Its easy, you will love it.

4 gallons of r/o water in the machine. add ice get water to 41 degree add frozen :leaf:trim in material bag. put in machine, wash for 12-15 mins.
drain contents on spin cycle into work bag.
that water will go into a bucket thats lined with a 73 micron screen bag. Pull bag out of bucket and:-oif you did it right you should get a nice handful of wet hash:clap:, let dry for 24 hours. 2 hits and i'm done...

thanks DST,,, you rock

Nice pics Mr West .. LOOKS GOOD!!!

Wow Didnt know you could make hash that way... sounds pretty cool.

Nice going on that closet Mr. West :bigjoint: Plants looking nice !

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheers guys ur all so lovely lol.

A couple of weeks and we'll see just how many tops are in there. Jus need to not run out of smoke lol, tho we ok this week i recon.


Well-Known Member
"Oh the Green Green grass of"....Westy's tent. Love the lights of shot bru!! With that sort of lighting the greenness really gets picked up!!