The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
well if I can pick up 100litres of coco and cycle home with it, you can get yer potting on, lol....put said digit out and get percy throwering...

OR, light another Casey, weyhey....I can't talk, I laid the pots out in my greenhouse, and they are still sitting on the ground...waiting to be cleaned and blah blah....

Hey, ive been really slack the last few weeks, I blame the strong weed lol. Still got 6 plants to pot on and take clones from

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats the thing i need more canna coc to mix with this brick stuff i got, dunt facy doing it all in the brik stuff


Well-Known Member
it's st nicholas day today here and all the kids go around trying to get sweets from the neighbours, it's thunder and lightning, torrential rains, heavy winds, and the little fukkers are still out and about....I am hiding, hahaha, I've only got half a bag of sweets.......

too much weed anything gets tricky lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its funny the world over has a different name for kids begging at your door haha round our way they want a quid or your house is egged or worse


Well-Known Member
Most of my mates from home that skipped the broon are all parents now, gonna be 40 in a couple and I still feel like a teenager! I am not sure what scares me more, having the responsibility of a child 24/7 or, the pressure that parents these days are under to conform to all the bullshit parenting laws (legal and non legal) that are about. Everyone wants little Johnny to be the next bloody rocket scientist, who can walk the first, talk the first, read, write and do algorithms the first, the UK seems to have gone from liberal parenting back to being anal and super conservative!!
Sorry for the rant, but even my best mate in the Dam sat down in the pub and took me through a 30 minute story and slide show of how he made carrot bloody cake with his daughter and how clever she is....luckily I had plenty weed to sit and smoke and the bar not 5 yards away......

I really am not knocking people with kids or who want kids, and I know all the pleasures etc...but I can honestly say at the moment that unless I can give em back after a few mins, thanks.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I plain can't sink to the googoogaga mentality that children require. We get young kids of 2 years odd at work with their parents and all the employees will crowd around clucking and cooing and talking like a twat as if it's easier to understand that way, i'm just stood in th background smiling out of courtesy but thiking wtf are you doing? :D defo know what you mean about mothers trying to make their kid the best, whether it's school, sport, music, clothes, hell, even the pushchair nowadays it seems, they look like damned intergalactic starships or somesort!