The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hey, hows that Pineapple chunk doing?, ooh that pic gave me the heeby jeebies i dont ever want to walk in my tent to a face full off cobwebs (shudders) god i hate spiders hope things sort themselves out :D Just like im hoping my plants will suddenly spring into life lol- just popped the compost tea in- time to wait and see if it does the job :D

Agent x

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Cool, i know the answer is here somewhere lol but how long has yours been flowering/how long left? One of mine is starting to change colour on the pistils but the other one is still white- considering they are same age i think ones deffo gonna finish well ahead of the other one. The Euforia should have finished by now and its nowhere near ready- groans- looks like i wont have any finished in time for xmas :( bah

mr west

Well-Known Member
it was 5 weeks flowere on friday i think or 6. Thats the only thing i got coming out b4 xmass the rest will be late jan lol for my birthday.


Well-Known Member
Well as a before and after she certainly at least looks like a plant now, lol. I found that with my OG kush that was infected, the buds just haven't developed they way they should have, all light and airy basically....I hope you can get her though okay mate.......


mr west

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4996283]Bud is bud bongsmilie

She'll burn up nicely >>>>>>>>:joint: :D[/QUOTE]

very true "SICC" mate and i know to avoid that strain in future. Dont even have a nice funk kinda smells sweet sweat not cheesey in the slightest. Its a lanky streak of curled burnt leafs and piss.


Well-Known Member
do you use any particular product? my mate give me some mite-rid, haven't seen a single one since, then again they weren't quite so webbed up as the pc you have.

when you started this thread you grew greenhouse cheese, if i remember rightly you thought it was quite good, but no proper cheese. i'm growing one from seed atm and i'm not all that impressed, it is stretching like hell and doesn't seem so cheesy. was yours like this or do you reckon i am just growing a dodgy pheno? it seems very sativa dom to me.