The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
thanks greenjambo, hc, things are very quiet in my grow at min. Got two dogs at ten weeks in with the younguns engineers dreams and deep psychos. Thats under my 600w and in my 400w tent there is a psychosis at 10 weeeks adn a livers the same age with a deep psyco and caSEY JONES AT 6 WEEKS ISSH AND A PSYCHO KILLER AT TWOP WEEEKS LOL. soz caps
Someone is going to be rolling in a lot dank very soon, sounds great westy, good strains too!! I wouldn't mind seeing what the Casey looks like before you give her the chop, if ya don't mind lol
lol its like an old codgers weather thread lol. We do love talking bout the weather tho lol its integral to a farmers life lmao
I meant to mention this on my thread...temps Monday morning around here, -26F at my house, -35 two towns away and -37 up at the border. Christ you would think I lived in Alaska lol.
Guess we sent it your way, heat wave here today 20s