The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
A plant has to be real pretty to maintain it's looks once it's been chopped, hakked and laid on it's side in a cardboard box. I think she looks peachy Fred, just ignore them, lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats such a tempting offer G, itd be a bit more than a dad mission to get nappies tho i would love to go on the euro star again lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Its working bonza willy, if u want to relax engineers dream is the one to losen ya back up. Wen u have to de seed it u end up with bud ready for joints and or pipes bongs so its easy to scoff


Well-Known Member
lol i loved the old avatar too. been watching any rab c mr west?, last nights one was funny as, rab in his gold pvc trunks doing his hunk for hire thing cracked the whole family up


Well-Known Member
I am sure little H would love frequent walks around the golf course, great for her to get all that fresh air!!

Can you tell I have never been a parent, lol!


Well-Known Member
Nope, grew up surrounded by golf courses (some say the home of golf), never went to one of them, lol. May be I should get into golfing, supposed to be good for business......