The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

i had first kid at 17 bought first house at 23 had 2 more kids left the ex and gave up my half of the house for the sake of the kids. now got to start all over again minus the kids part, must get the knackers chopped bitch only has to look at mine and get preggers lol
couple times a month at the minute mate, i was a broken man when i walked away from them, i have got mental health issues im on anti psychotic meds all the time and suffer with quiet bad anxiety, i smoke the green so i dont have to dose myself up as high with the meds cause they just put u in a stupor all day, i can still function with weed. im starting to pick up again now and seeing them more, i ruined it when i was bad because i didnt want to see them how i was, ramble ramble ramble lol
See u all there!!! I'm in dam 16-20 can't wait need a break from everyday shit n all that! Ras
smoking weed is every day shit for me lol, Im looking forward to meeting u guys. Just wish the princess was coming with. Gonna be weird being away from hatty, I havent been away from her since I brought her home from the hosy lol.
I just need more hours in the day lol. Sounds early but im off to bed now lol up at 6ish maybe545ish>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
smoking weed is every day shit for me lol, Im looking forward to meeting u guys. Just wish the princess was coming with. Gonna be weird being away from hatty, I havent been away from her since I brought her home from the hosy lol.

you sure you'll be able to make it Sunday to friday without your little one around? I'm picturing you on Wednesday moping around wishing you was home.

And to answer your question T, I think she is dressing up for holloween.
you sure you'll be able to make it Sunday to friday without your little one around? I'm picturing you on Wednesday moping around wishing you was home.

And to answer your question T, I think she is dressing up for holloween.

recom itll be more like monday morning lol, ill be lost
Im doing the dinafem cheese auto Smells like the BB cheese!!! YAy i never made it all the way thru this thread so many pages lol.. i read like the first 60 lol,,, but hell yeah man did you ever get the real cheese pheno out of your 3cheese experiment
well one of them was the real deal and none of the seeds i bought came close, so I bread my own and they much better
thats pretty neat well ill have to look thru the thead and see how it turned out. Bummer ur seeds never turned out right