The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
gonna try and have a cheese free day tomoz to save some for the party time, Im betting i dont last till 5 o'clock what do u guys think? I have about 2 grams of slanty weedto get me throught tomorrow lol, wish me luck:joint:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .... yea never even left time for me to tell u us wuz gonna be toast ... 'n now ....ur toast ..... geezzzsshhhhh .... I really need to try that cheese. I like all kinds of cheese ..... I'm sure I'll like this cheesetoo. Good luck in making through ta thursday .... walking on!!~~

mr west

Well-Known Member
well done weedsofdestiny, what bud is that? Looks tastey what ever.
Well its 10:21 and Im about to make my wake and bake, I want cheese, I dont want arsey slanty breakfast, but ill try one cuz i said i would lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
feel like making use of a bucket to be sick in lol the taste of this street weed, is like a cross between leather and hay, hmm yumster NOT!!!!!!!!!

well grow

Active Member
Westi i havent gues wha man i think ive got swine flue ive been realy sick not good i havent even had a smoke lol.

Bad times my friend bad times..:cry:... :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
no shit? my girlfriends best mate her brother and his girlfriend and their baby all got it. so has my next door neighbour and the girl nextdoor but one has a sister and she has it. got a sore throat and shittin myself. hope your ok mate.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hello mr west what day are you doing Santa Pod bug jam? If I can get my mate to come I will meet you there.

we is going down bout lunch time on the friday, have u got my fone number? if not ill pm u it and we can hook up and watch some fast campers on the bank in the sun smoking cheeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeesseeeeeeeeeeeeeesseseseeeesessess!kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
hey west i had some seed from a hermed blue cheese. so fuck it i threw em in some tiny pots under 12/12. hope they aint hermi cos i really like the blue cheese and if they show pistils i,m gonna give it my mate too mother.

well grow

Active Member
no shit? my girlfriends best mate her brother and his girlfriend and their baby all got it. so has my next door neighbour and the girl nextdoor but one has a sister and she has it. got a sore throat and shittin myself. hope your ok mate.
Thanks mate i just call the nhs direct and they told me to call my doctor and he has confirmed it as swine flue my girl has got to go the doctors and pick up my perscription and then she has got to go to a hospital and get my meds i dont feel good atall but on a happier note my grow is keeping me sain im wearing gloves and a mask to limit infection my docs idea, this is too real for me guys speak to ya soon :peace:out.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey west i had some seed from a hermed blue cheese. so fuck it i threw em in some tiny pots under 12/12. hope they aint hermi cos i really like the blue cheese and if they show pistils i,m gonna give it my mate too mother.

I got the last of my blue cheese in flower no clones took, I can buy em again if i want lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Thanks mate i just call the nhs direct and they told me to call my doctor and he has confirmed it as swine flue my girl has got to go the doctors and pick up my perscription and then she has got to go to a hospital and get my meds i dont feel good atall but on a happier note my grow is keeping me sain im wearing gloves and a mask to limit infection my docs idea, this is too real for me guys speak to ya soon :peace:out.

Id be shittin meself if i was u mate, but then im in the at risk group with having MS. Just hope we dunt get it but i recon we will cuz my gal works in tescos and its already in the next town lol. Keeep in touch wont ya mate lol.