The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Most places are ridiculous these days. Legislation, that's the problem. Too bloody much of it.
ayup westy, (not 4getting LGP n H). not been on fer aaaages so thought i'd pop on n say 'hiya' b4 i turn off fer the nite, i'll av some pics of them casey cheese up soon as my mate brings the camera back (i fink u'll be impressed) be on seperate thread tho i fink. (don't wanna hijack urz, lol) interesting item on cfl lights, how u find that gem, lol. anyhoo, nite all :peace:pipes n :bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
happy for some, others its busy busy busy, just loped the chronic bud. Now im having lunch then its time to fell the psycho killer.


Well-Known Member
Well it's good to be busy sometimes Fred.....and it's also good to be able to do nix as well at times. Which reminds me, I must go and do nothing in the stinky room while smoking a joint of this loverly outdoor madness.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
cuz im at home and the girls are at my mums im doing kinda the same while i wait for some washing to dry lol


Well-Known Member
Alrighty Friday ! How's trick's, more de-seeding ? does that mean you'll be knocking out the wicked hash too :)

Hope all's good man


mr west

Well-Known Member
well i bin saving my trim so itll be bout trim when this lot of trims dry lol. I didnt have enough everclear to do a was fast or slow. I onlt got one finger left in the bottle lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
I did have a couple of nips at christmas with lemonade, too nice and too strong lol instant buzzing ya tits off. Blimey has it been that long since i got it lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye fair do man, we get shafted in the uk with decent grain alcohol being banned. fuckin alchy's ruin everything. good job we've got damn good friends over the pond ;)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Im sitting at my mums place cattery sitting and they have plenty of room here ffs, shame ill not get this place when they go, the bank willl have it and the counmcil will have whatevers left